Hi. I was diagnosed with AFIB last October when after taking some flu medicine (OTC) I started having the irregular and chaotic heartbeat. So far this has been a one time attack very likely triggered by the OTC I took the day before. I have had SVT since childhood when heavy exercise like running a marathon or later in life in a few occasions having sex caused rapid but regular heart beat, What I am curious to know is that if my condition is still SVT or it has advanced to much worse? AFIB. They put me on blood thinner for that one attack. But no need for blood thinner if it is SVT. I have had a few fast very brief regular heart beats since last October usually after sex (I don't run marathons anymore) the latest being last weekend when I was having sex and my heart started beating fast and regular for 30 seconds after orgasm (orgasm causes fast heart beat in me and sometimes a dull pain in my heart if I engage in several over a short period of time). Is this AFIB or SVT?
Is this AFIB or SVT?: Hi. I was... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Is this AFIB or SVT?

Not sure if you are boasting or complaining Kevin? LOL 😁 Oh the memories.
Seriously the only way to tell is to get a Kardia and take a trace when it happens but that might not please the other half. A simple pulse check will tell you if it is regular or not (SVT or AF) but Kardia would be proof.
I am surprised at the response. It was a question not boasting or complaining I was seeking help from those long term AFIB sufferers (not textbook doctors who have read about AFIB only) to tell me if I have indeed AFIB and have to continue having blood thinners. I am guessing that may be because it was an OTC induced AFIB attack then maybe it wasn't really AFIB and I am on blood thinners for no reason.
There is nothing to boast about having SVT since childhood when I was unable to play my popular sports like Soccer or having pain in my heart of AFIB/SVT attacks after having sex. It was not a complain either as this is no one's fault. So I am indeed confused.
I was trying to be funny helpful at the same time, hence my "seriously". I was of course referring to your comment about several orgasms close together and my reply about memories! Never mind I'm just an old git for whom such things are distant memory.
Ahh I see now. Several orgasms over say a weekend is not that uncommon though it appears that recently it cause a dull pain in my heart and fast heart beat after second or third orgasms (the next day not two minutes after the first one lol).
I was asking if that could be AFIB. I am not sure how AFIB is defined. Some say it is AFIB only if it is irregular heart beat. Some say only if if is chaotic heart beat (the two chambers up and down beating out of phase with higher chambers beating much faster) and some say even a regular heart beat which is fast is AFIB too.
AF is no rhythm. In other words a chaotic bundle of half beats and gaps alongside any proper beats. It has been described a your heart writhing like a bad of worms. On a Kardia or 12 lead ECG is is so obvious as not to be confused with SVT or any other arrythmia. If you learn to take your pulse it will be easy to tell.
Re orgams I was thinking five times a night but that was 45 years ago and the only pain was not in my heart. lol
I have always understood AF to be irregular pulse. It can be slow or fast.
Like BobD I had fond memories (flash backs!!) after reading your post!!! You will get used to our little idiosyncrasies!!
AFIB does not have a p wave. You need a trace to tell.
Thanks very much all for your responses. Based on responses, then I have had only one AFIB attack and very likely that was OTC induced so this is good news as I may be able t come off blood thinners soon. That said both my mother and older brother have AFIB. My brother is ended his AFIB by a successful ablation 2 months ago.
One question though, does AFIB has dull pain in the heart after heavy work by heart (heavy exercise, several sexual activities, lack of sleep...etc.). Thanks again.

Most people not but some are hospitalised with really bad pain requiring medication such as morphine. This is unusual but an ache may not be.