Went out for a walk yesterday only wa... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Went out for a walk yesterday only walked 100 yards my husband had terrible tightness and he was breathless

vyse29 profile image
11 Replies

Hes now been given nicorandil as well as his other tablets so this is tablet number 7 they seem to think its angina now any one else out there do you get this ????

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11 Replies
Buffafly profile image

I'm assuming he has AF? I have PAF and had chest pains etc when I had last big attack. No explanation after consultant decided not a heart attack, when I looked it up seems it is caused by lack of oxygen to the heart muscle caused by fast AF if no other cause. I hope someone with expertise can be more helpful if you add more detail.

Offcut profile image

I have the same and I have been told to use my nitrate spray more. It gives me such a bad head when I do I tried to ride it out with rest.

I did have a heart attack because I was vortexing blood in my heart chamber and starved it of Oxygen. Felt like a cricket ball going through my chest.

I have a multitude of heart and lung problems and sometimes hard to define which is causing me a problem?

Buffafly profile image
Buffafly in reply to Offcut

I recognise that description, interested to know how long it took you to get over that? Because it has taken me at least six weeks to get back to 'normal' with Diltiazem added to my meds, which seems long time for a basic PAF episode.

Offcut profile image
Offcut in reply to Buffafly

As I mentioned I have a number of problems tachi and palpitations. I have had 3 ablations to try and control the sparking or miss sparking 12 CV and was due a Pace and Ablate but they have now shelved that as my Lung condition (57% lung function when upright at rest) has also shown Atrial Pulmonary Hypertension to add to my fibrosis and restrictive lung disease. I am on Sotalol 80mg x 2 and digoxin 125mg x 1 a day plus warfarin. I am being referred to a imaging specialist to see if they can see if there is anything there?

The original reason for the Pace and Ablate was in their words "I would not survive anything else.!" I now get out of breath going up stairs so I am not a great deal of help I am afraid. Even my lung and heart docs cannot decide which is causing me the most problems now?

Buffafly profile image
Buffafly in reply to Offcut

Sounds horrible for you, I hope they can help...

For me, I have overwhelming feeling of my body slowing down, almost like trying to walk in a wind tunnel, I use walking poles to help. If I force to much against this I find it difficult to get my breath and have to stop. This can happen on short walks or longer ones but it seems to be worse going up hill. I have PAF . Hope this helps :)

vyse29 profile image

My husband hadn't been diagnosed with a f he is under investigation he had a heart attack last October and since then suffers big palpation attacks and high blood pressure they seem ro think its the electrics of his heart I just cant get over how out of breath he gets for his age hes 43 and we just feel so restricted to what we can do just hope the cardiology doctor can give an answer x

humbroad profile image

I had heart attack 26 years ago and have suffered from angina ever since ( had stents fitted ect.) I take

Atenolol, Amiodipine, atorvastatin, glyceryl trinitrate pump spray, Isosorbide mononitrate, Warfarin and just been told I should now take another tablet (Candesartan)in the place of Ramipril which I could not tolerate. Please note I have been taking NICORANDIL 30 MG TWICE A DAY OVER THE PAST 24 YEARS. I get chest pain and breathlessness upon exertion which is due to my heart muscle not getting enough blood supply.

Hope this Helps!

Ukeagle profile image

I have high bp and am on lisinopril (known to be bad for coughs). In the cold i suffered extreme chest tightness and breathlessness, gasping for breath. Inhalers prescribed absolutely useless. To prevent this i suck a halls extra strong boiled sweet immediately - works every time. Gp baffled!

Rellim296 profile image
Rellim296 in reply to Ukeagle

I mentioned the annoying cough Lisinopril gave me and was switched to Losartan.

Ukeagle profile image

Was also switched to Losartan because of cough - great improvement, cough went now just a build up of phlem back of throat. Again Halls clears this.

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