I've been given my ablation date, 29th May. Am apprehensive, no I'm scared to death. Just hope all goes well and my consultant assures me that I will be fine to fly to Turkey on the 14th June. I so need my holiday and would be wonderful to go AF free
Ablation Date: I've been given my... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Ablation Date

Suzie, I had my ablation in late February of this year and I too was pretty scared as to what to expect but I think you will be pleasantly surprised by how things go. My procedure was over pretty quickly and I was home the next day and have been fine since. Off beta-blockers within five weeks with no after effects and hopefully going on holiday soon. I know it's easy saying " go for it " but I believe you won't regret it in anyway. Enjoy your time in Turkey. Go there and take things easy and follow the doctors orders. Keep us posted as to how things go. Be safe x

Suzie you will be fine. I'd rather have an ablation than a tooth out. Stay positive and enjoy your holiday but do be aware you may still have some funnies for a while. so make sure you have all your drugs packed.
Good luck. Keep us posted
Hi Sure, I had my ablation early February and have been amazed at the difference, like you I was scared and even wondered if it was worth it. I have had a few funnies along the way but nothing to worry about. I am hoping to come off the rest of my meds when I see my Ep in May, I am off on holiday on 14th June also and am looking forward to my first holiday in years without AF. Take care and make sure you rest up afterwards,
Hi SuzieA my PVI Ablation is booked for the 13th May & I feel exactly the same as you ! I have had 2 TIA s one in Jan & the other in March & I am just so relieved that my EP had put me on the anticoagulant Xarelto . I am so looking forward to getting rid of this monster but at the same time I am just a bit worried that something might go wrong - even though I know it won't - crazy thinking I know !
Let's get it straight. The scary thing about an ablation is that it might go wrong in some way, but the success rate is very high indeed, although not always achieved first time. The failure rate is miniscule. There are a few unwanted possibilities that might occur. But if one threatens to, where are you? Apart from your EP, you have a team of people monitoring you in several highly sophisticated ways and giving your their full attention. Could you be better placed for immediate remedial action?
There is very little to fear about actually having the procedure. I've not noticed anyone who has had one saying they wouldn't do it again. The most painful bit is possibly the INR test if you have one, assuming the nurse who inserts the cannula is skilful. We all seem to bounce back afterwards pretty well - once we are allowed to get back on our feet.
Like Bob, I'd choose to have an ablation rather than having a tooth out.
Very reassuring. I will hold that thought for when I see my E.P. on Thursday. Enjoy your holiday Suzy.x
Hi Suzie
I now exactly what you mean, mine has just been booked for the 4th June and I am terrified, but so much reassurance from the good people on this forum makes it bearable. I am too going on holiday, but before the op and looking forward to the break. Have a great time in Turkey
Hi, don't feel nervous, I had my 2nd ablation last Thursday. Mine are done under GA, so I have felt groggy and tired both times for a few days, my groin area has also been a bit tender on both occasions but nothing major. I had throat and chest pain with the 1st one for a few days, but everything settled quite quickly and I felt sooooo much better, no breathlessness, no dizziness, just reoccurrence of palpitations, after a few weeks off the Amiodarone, it's too early to tell the outcome with this one. Bob's right make sure you've got your meds and you'll be ok. I would have as many as required in a heartbeat ( pardon the pun).
Sit back relax and enjoy your hols, wish I had one planned.
Good Luck. Chris. X
Had two and they were both a breeze. First one cured my AF 100% for 8 years, no drugs except anti-coags. Can't wait for a third so I can hopefully stop the drugs, which are working well but lord know what they are doing! I had very little recovery time, felt a bit funny/tight in the chest (had a lot of ablating done), and a bit of pain if you can call it that round the groin. I was back at work within days, not recommended but I'm self-employed and to be honest felt absolutely fine to work.
Don't know what drugs they give you but I felt terrific after both. First time I went round thanking all the nurses, very embarrassing in hindsight!
Best wishes
Hi Suzie, it is only natural to be"extremely apprehensive" about something you have not previously experienced. I was exactly the same, but now realise the fears were groundless, and two weeks on from my 1st ablation (14-April) I can honestly say I feel on top of the world. The difference is staggering! I can now climb stairs, and even walked 2 miles yesterday! The procedure is something I have no recollection of, apart from being "prepped" with cannula in the back of the hand, and monitoring pads applied to my chest and back. The GA took effect in 45 seconds flat so had no time to worry about that! The next thing I knew was waking up in the recovery ward ~ 4 hours later. I had some post operative bruising in my groin which looked much worse than it really was. At the very most I would describe it as discomfort, certainly not painful. I did have some chest pain (for no more than 2 days) which was managed by di-hydro codeine pain killers.
Try if you can to imagine life post-ablation - new lease of life, no palpitations, no heart pounding, no breathlessness, possibly no meds, etc. Concentrate on the positives. I have not seen any posts on here saying they would not have it done again (if it were required).
Best of luck and try not to worry, you will be fine! Mallet-head
Hi Suzie,
I had an ablation in March and also scared. I had a GA and woke apart to find that the procedure had been completed. I felt a bit sore but recovered quite quickly and was able to go to work a week later. I work in an office and do not do anything physically taxing.
I am pleased to say that my heart is still beating regularly and more slowly and indeed a successful outcome.
Best wishes
Hey Suz,
Relax and enjoy the "vacation". I sure did.
I was much the same as you. Scared out of my mind if truth be known. When the ablation was over I felt sore, tired and wonderful all at the same time. That was three weeks ago and the ticker is a steady as a metrenome.
Last weekend I went on a bicycle ride, no hills and yesterday I moved a pile of cement blocks (very slowly). I feel the best I have in years!
Send us a postcard.
Hi there suzie let me know how your going love my date is the 17 th July so keep me posted love ok I'm feeling the same as you at this moment xxxx