Phone call yesterday from cardiology, your ablation is booked in for Jun 7 th. GULP two weeks !!! Oh well not much time to worry. I was told to carry on with my meds up until the ablation day including Edoxaban anticoagulant. Is this normal I thought they might say stop the anticoagulant a couple of days before the procedure? Also has anybody got any positive messages regarding their second ablation? My first was cryo and this one will be RF. Thank you and best wishes to everyone out there !
Second ablation date: Phone call... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Second ablation date

In more recent times it is common to remain anticoagulated. Apparently there was in the past a risk of micro embolii being formed during the ablation process which can migrate to the brain and whilst not causing a stroke as such may have been the reason for brain fog.
RF for second is very common to touch up those areas the balloon was unable to reach.
Good luck stoneyrosed . I hope all goes well, and is a total success! Take lots of time for recovery and look after yourself well.
Thank you Momist, not too many replies on success stories but maybe they have all scrapped their healthunlocked memberships 😁🙏
My second RF ablation worked far better and worked (so far) longer than the first. I went in for a touch up, but came round to hear it had been "the mother of all ablations" by which the EP meant a very long job chasing all the areas of the heart that caused the fibrillation. Too many to list here, but a lot!The result was a long blanking period with several quite severe episodes of AF - put down to irritation of the heart. I got very down and thought it had failed. But suddenly after 3 months -calm! Now any episodes are slower and shorter, less than an hour, infrequent, with no "pauses" and HR 80.
Just my experience. Everyone is different. I had persistent AF originally - harder to treat. So this is a good result and I am so grateful.
Thank you for replying, certainly gives me hope of success second time around. Thank you and I hope you continue to be well .
Good luck. Im thinking of a 2nd Rf touch up procedure. Hope it all goes well