For the last five years I’ve been on and off of, Provenge, Pluvicto, SBRT, first and second generation ADT and currently BAT. I recently contracted a serious blood infection for no apparent reason only speculation by doctors that it was a UTI that jumped into my bloodstream through my kidneys.
I had woke up with kidney pain a few weeks ago and urinated out close to a pint of blood and wound up in the ER with mild convulsions.
I am not sexually active so this could not be due to an STD. I spent two weeks on IV antibiotics. Symptoms disappeared and two urine cultures showed that all was well so doctors advised to load up on probiotics as well as probiotics and other gut healing methods. All was well for the last two weeks until this morning. I noticed the same burning sensation while urinating. Urologist sent me in to do a urine test which takes three days to get a result. In the meantime, he suggested going back on a similar antibiotic just in case.
I don’t like taking meds of any kind, especially when not absolutely necessary. Is there any connection to UTIs and some of the prostate cancer treatments? If so, what is the solution?