Hello Everyone,
Need some help for my father. Age 75 years. Porstate cancer was detected in 2017. Has been on some form of ADT treatment since (Lupride, Enzalutamide etc). It has now turned castrate-resistant.
The latest PSMA scan showed multiple lesions in lungs, liver etc. Which is kind of surprising. The scan did last year had no such lesions The PSA though was rising steadily, but was around 2 for most part of the year and then moving to 5 two months back and finally to 9 now.
The doctor suggested doinga BRCA germline mutation testing along with MSI/PD-LI. He thinks it is a small chance but if the results are positive can lead to a more targeted therapy. it will be approx 3 weeks before I get these test results. Till then he has started my father on Abiraterone.
My worry is that in those three weeks the cancer may spread real fast. Will it make sense to start with Docetaxel and then if needed pivot to targetted therapy if needed ? Would it make sense to start with Lutieum (Pluvicto) instead ?
Is there any alternative treatment I can pursue ?
Would be really grateful for your suggestions.