I freely admit that most of my posts and comments are exercise related, especially the critical importance and truly inspiring benefits of weight lifting. It really is that important. On ADT all the more so. I rarely post video links, but I couldn’t help myself on this one.
In it, Australian professor Belinda Beck talks about studies with older people put on a heavy lifting program.
Lest anyone turn away at the mention of ‘heavy’ lifting, she explains in detail the misconceptions about lifting for older/diseased/unfit/out of shape, and the myriad reasons why lifting is not only safe but life changing- in the best ways for such persons.
The emphasis on getting a specifically skilled trainer (for many) is key, and of course being smart and careful from the start.
Again, the biggest reason I decided to post is because of the number of men on this site and elsewhere in the Pca community that offer a host of ‘legitimate’ excuses why they are unable to weight train. It really hurts me to still see outdated and erroneous warnings against lifting for the elderly.
Dr Beck addresses this well, and of course if any of you are familiar with the work of Dr Peter Attia, you know these 2 are a couple of very fine experts on the very subject.
As I always like to say, lifting is magnificent, life changing and essential -especially for older people, and particularly men who are dealing with testosterone suppression.