Recently posted a question and didn't get a response. I will try again. If there are any German patients in the chat room, I would like to ask them to give me the name of a good oncologist, specialist in prostate cancer treatment, practicing in the state of Baden. I live in the city of Baden-Baden and have been unable to find a good oncologist for three years now. I will be very grateful for any answer. Good health to all and more joy in every day.
Looking for a good oncologist in Germany - Advanced Prostate...
Looking for a good oncologist in Germany

Near you is this one
There must be good oncologists in Baden. Are you willing to travel at all? I heard of a good integrative oncologist who has a practice in Dusseldorf and Vienna. I would have to look him up. What kind of oncologist are you looking for?
I have heard recommendations of UNI-KLINIK FREIBURG and their "INTERDISZIPLINÄRES-TUMORZENTRUM" - 0761 - 270-35555
You are close to one of the top PrivatKlinik's Cancer Centers in Offenbach , Prof Dr. Michael Sterling . His secretary is Charlotte Hohn -- very friendly .
Patients from all over the world travel there .
This post is from Canada -- I have friends who have been treated there for NanoKnife and Immunotherapy. Very happy with the results .