Does anyone know of a Medical Oncologist in San Antonio or Austin that would be good for me to establish a relationship with?
Medical Oncologist in San Antonio, TX - Advanced Prostate...
Medical Oncologist in San Antonio, TX

I remember Ronald Rodriguez at UT Health in San Antonio when he was at Johns Hopkins.
Thanks Tall_Allen. I will see if he is still around.
Ronald Rodriquez is still there (well at least he was last year). He diagnosed me a few years back. I know it is a bit of a drive, but I have since switched from UT Health to MD Anderson in Houston (I live in San Antonio). I had RP in San Antonio (performed by Naveen Kella - also considered Ken Stallman - but these are surgeons). About a year after my RP, my PSA rose 3 consecutive times, at which time I moved to an MO (and RO) at MD Anderson. I do most of my consults via telemedicine and most testing in San Antonio.
Hey guy! You’ll find a great onco there. There has to be. I ve only spent one day and a great night in San Antonio . Good luck 🍀

I do need to talk with my urologist and see if he knows one that he trusts.
You ll get the right person.. and hit the pc with a brick then let the pc be dammed and save yourself .

Thank you! I am praying . God will lead me to the right one. Trusting Him.
I’m praying for you too. God leads us all . Keep the faith and heal self on this voyage that no man wishes to take . We do the best that we can . We all can do better than the doctors might tell us .

Lulu700, Thank you. Becoming our own advocate is crucial. As a nurse, I find myself totally lost. In all of my 40+ years of nursing, I have not dealt with this. I feel so I unknowledgeable about Pca, what to do and how to proceed with treatments. Crazy.
That says a lot being a nurse and feeling that way. All of sudden we must become rocket scientist in hopes to live another day . You will need to follow a pro. They’ve kinda figured out pc but not really . 12000 of us here, doctors lawyers and all walks of life. You’ll soon get a handle on this. The hardest part is right now in the beginning. Hang in
there guy....