I’m somewhat anemic and had an appointment with an Oncologist yesterday who is filling in for my regular Oncologist. He recommended that I begin taking an every other day dose of Iron Sulfate and Vitamin C. Has anyone experience with this treatment. A friend told me that this could help my cancer proliferate. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Iron Suppliments : I’m somewhat anemic... - Advanced Prostate...
Iron Suppliments

Is your serum iron low?
TA. Do you know what effect the supplements have on cancer growth?
I could be wrong, but I was under the impression that you could just eat red meat or eat lentils to bring that up? Is that an option for you, maybe? I think it would be better than supplementation.
It's just a bit suspicious that your ferritin is low and iron normal? For me personally id rather try to find out why it's low, if possible. Inflammation? Something like that?
Did you ask what could be the causes? Maybe see what your regular oncologist says?
I am also on supplements prescribed by my GP i.e. FERROUS SULPHATE 325MG + C 500MG. I had been taking one every other day but with no change in Low Ferritin after blood test GP said to take one every day and another blood test after 9 weeks. Due that blood test next month.
I am anaemic but cannot say for certain if it's from the RT/HT treatment only (finished treatment June 2022 ), or the Triple bypass heart surgery I had 8 months ago. Oncology did not do regular FULL blood tests , anaemia was only picked up when heart problems surfaced.
I don't think my diet is the problem.
Because I have low iron, my doctor also tested my ferritin. I did quite a bit of reading a long time ago and it seemed really complicated.
But what was very interesting was that low iron in circumstances of metastatic prostate cancer is probably not because of insufficient iron in the diet.
It is known that too much iron is not good especially for men. So I am not taking iron supplements. And I remain borderline.
I would think that these sorts of things are known and they were highlighted above in earlier answers. It's kind of disconcerting that an oncologist would casually suggest iron supplements.
t there are other causes of anemia aside from low iron. What were your indices, TIBC?
See your internist or ask to see a hematologist if it is a problem for you
i too am anemic. The cause in my case is the combination of my ADT and recently having radiation. What I learned and confirmed with my medical oncologist is that testosterone is involved in red blood cell and platelet production. It’s considered quite normal for men on ADT to become anemic over time. The issue becomes dangerous if the numbers keep declining below an acceptable level. My MO recommended taking an iron supplement to see if it helps the anemia.
Boderline anemia directly associated with the Olaparib I take as it does effect the marrow and red blood cell production. Monitor blood monthly and no action taken. Eat red meat maybe 1-2x per month. Basic fatigue and lethargy goes along with it that sucks, but isn't anything that really gets in the way. Just have to measure activities and not try and do as much as I used to. But for the matter...
Oncologist generally stay in their wheelhouse, and I would be surprised if my MO suggested anything other than a healthy diet. And I appreciate and respect that!
If I want to find out what might be a cause or association of a particular issue, I'll go and find a specialist within that discipline! I have consulted and have had multiple visits with an Oncologist who specializes in Alternative Medicine to discuss blood and diet, supplements, etc. And it was an excellent decision to do so. I would suggest the same... Not a regular Oncologist, not a GP, but someone who knows what you're asking and talking about.
Good Luck! Best Regards...
I’ve been taking iron supplements daily for anemia per my oncologist. It has helped with anemia and all blood counts are in normal range now. I get my iron levels tested 3-4 times per year when I get my regular blood work done to make sure iron levels don’t get too high, so far that hasn’t even come close.
if you are using LabCorp, ferritin at 8.1 is really low, where low normal is 30. I assume they are tracking your hemoglobin, etc.
I also have a low ferritin level and rather normal iron level and have been working on this problem for a while. The first step was to get a colonoscopy, which thankfully was ok. There was some discussion whether to get endoscopy but was decided that prob of bleeding from stomach and small intestine was very low.
I started eating iron rich foods and introduced low fat red meat for first time in decades. The red meat gives you heme iron which most efficient form. With the non meat iron foods, drinking some orange juice, as vitamin c helps mobilize non heme iron.
I have been checking with a monthly iron panel that includes iron, ferritin and TIBC. The iron/ food effort at best got the ferritin to lowest normal. As an experiment, I have started taking the supplement SLO-FE every other day.
Next week will be my next block of blood tests, so I will see the impact, if any.
I have been anemic, and am taking iron supplement. I looked at my iron tests over several years and it has been slowly declining since starting Lupron quarterly. I believe I restricted my caloric intake due to weight gain from Lupron, which inadvertently lowered my iron intake. Also I have avoided beef for a decade due to reading that red meat animal fat causes progression of prostate cancer. My iron level is low normal, 51, and ferritin is also low normal, 44.
Your question is whether the iron supplement nd vitamin C can cause pc progression.
The following study suggests that high iron intake may help reduce prostate cancer proliferation:
tt seems that there is some correlation between high doses of vitamin c and lowering of PSA.
Check this study: pharmasalmanac.com/articles...
May want to involve a hemotologist. I was anemic and had been taking iron supplements. I was dx with MDS-RS, a rare blood cancer which can be caused by radiation or chemo. I think it is underdx'd.
Throughout my life I have had a tendency to run into being anemic. Just my biology. ADT led to my bouncing in and out of anemia. My Dietitian Oncologist recommended I eat a bit more meat, spinach, other greens. Supplements were not recommended as they can be toxic to the system. Anemia is more than iron, it is a combination of Ferritin, Hemoglobin, Complete Blood Count and more. Be sure you get a work up for Anemia, the picture is much more complete.
wife here, I can’t speak to the cancer side of things. I can tell you as a female I was severely anemic due to blood loss with cycle. Iron is extremely important to homeostasis and all bodily systems functioning appropriately. Iron carries oxygen around your body to oxygenate all organs and tissue. You can become very fatigued. I have tried many supplements and foods. Mussels, oysters and clams are probably the highest in iron nutrients. If you are immune suppressed from chemo or radiation do not eat shell fish. Iron is better absorbed with vitamin C. Iron supplements can be constipating . The best otc iron supplement that is non constipating is spatone. It’s a packet of water from an iron rich water source in England. I used to drink it with OJ. I eventually had to get iron infusions. I hope you find something to help. I would discuss this with your normal oncologist too.
I used to get it on Amazon.