Is ADT failing : Hi , Just got my... - Advanced Prostate...

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Is ADT failing

jeetu_g27 profile image
21 Replies

Hi ,

Just got my father's latest blood work report . His PSA shoot from 2.96 to 14 in two months . He was on 3 month lupron shot + Abiraterone . Does this means that Abiraterone failed .

what are the next steps ahead ?

Thank you all for your kind suggestions and reply .

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jeetu_g27 profile image
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21 Replies
God_Loves_Me profile image

what’s the testosterone level ? Try dexmethone and stop prednisone

jeetu_g27 profile image
jeetu_g27 in reply to God_Loves_Me

Unfortunately T levels were not checked and recommended by doctor . will discuss with doctor to Try dexmethone and stop prednisone .

will it work if we change prednisone to dexmethone?

Thank you 🙏

God_Loves_Me profile image
God_Loves_Me in reply to jeetu_g27

May be .. do TRT immediately

jeetu_g27 profile image

yes will do it tomorrow only

JohnInTheMiddle profile image

Hi Jeetu. My heart goes out to you for your Father. And diagnosed so recently this past March!

In response to the earlier suggestion, I was going to be grouchy and ask "why not take watermelon?" Because the idea that you would just try something because someone says such and such in a forum doesn't seem like the best plan.

But I found this:

So there does seem to be some value to switching steroids to dexamethasone. (I noticed that it doesn't seem to last as long as one would like.) I'm also on the prednisone. It's interesting to note that your Father's primary meds are the Lupron and the Abiraterone. The steroid is sort of just like a sideshow - Abiraterone has serious steroid related side effects which however are easily fixed with as steroid add-back such as prednisone. I never thought of prednisone as a primary therapy, but everything is so complicated.

Then I also read your father's medical bio. Apparently he was recommended to add chemo but didn't do it or something? Maybe the bio isn't up to date? Because also bicalutamide was mentioned at the same time. It wasn't clear to me what major protocol is being followed. And maybe there are cost issues?

I'm just an interested lay person that has a not-dissimilar situation compared to your Father. And I do a bit of reading. And I'm interested to learn about what happens after the development of ADT + Abiraterone therapy resistance.

What does the oncologist that you seem to have talked to at one point, and who suggested chemo, think? By the way, the combination of ADT plus Abiraterone plus chemo adds up to "triplet therapy". Maybe there is a reason why you didn't want to pursue chemo.

I just did my own periodic blood panel and I'm now waiting for the results. It always takes about three or four business days to be able to see the results (the results are available but not reviewed yet by the staff - I don't understand the situation - there's a lot of anxiety). And of course the PSA. Always the PSA. Another 2 days from now. Not everybody knows that PSA is an acronym for "Permanent State of Anxiety".

Looks like you have reacted quickly and that's good!

jeetu_g27 profile image

Hi John , Thank you for your kind reply . You are such a nice person 🙏.

Regarding my father initial treatment plan : He was suggested for chemo by some private clinics who are only after money , that time he was very very weak and it was very difficult to see him in that situation . Many private clinics in India are only after money and patient health is secondary for them , so i was afraid and this was first cancer case in my entire family lineage . Seeing my father health at that time i went to AIIMS(All India Institute of Medical Sciences), the doctors there told me that they will try to control the cancer with Hormone medicine and injections . That gave me some positive hopes , So i opted for AIIMS treatment protocol to start with .

Bicalutamide was started 15 days prior to Lupron and Abiraterone , once Abiraterone started Bicalutamide was discontinued.

So , in short he started with Bicalutamide for first 15 days and then shifted to Abi+Lupron after that .

Now tomorrow, i will visit AIIMS again and may be they will suggest to add chemo , I remember during one of my sitting with MO there , i asked ,"Why are you not adding chemo?"

They told , "we will consider once ADT stops working ".

Money is not issue ,but my father health is priority. sadly, I am yet to find best oncologist for my father . Here in AIIMS doctors are good but they are overloaded and sometimes are irritated by questions.

You rightly said PSA is "Permanent State of Anxiety " . Its very tough for whole family . Hope your number comes undetectable and you keep living a great and Happy life

God_Loves_Me profile image
God_Loves_Me in reply to jeetu_g27

Jeetu - Here is my personal opnion and also coordinate with your doctor. It is important for you, your family and dad to understand the situations.

if you are planing to go for chemo (docetaxel) than ask for 25mg zofran and benadryl iv that will reduce side effects.

Also find good radiations oncologist. I hope there are chance to get him spot radiations and reduce the mets.

Also remember, triplet therapy like (ADT + XTANDI + CHEMO ) that's best triplet and also get you best results. I think private doctor were right and also I agree with them.

JohnInTheMiddle profile image
JohnInTheMiddle in reply to God_Loves_Me

GLM - you are very sure about specific therapy recommendations, stated in the imperative. In this case the recommendations concern tolerating chemo, and concern a specific recipe for triplet therapy. With no references or support. And my comment would not change if you did provide references or support.

On this forum specific therapy directives based on personal opinion only are not appropriate. Whether you are a doctor or not doesn't matter. There are exceptions to this rule, but this discussion isn't such an exception.

God_Loves_Me profile image
God_Loves_Me in reply to JohnInTheMiddle

Agree with you

jeetu_g27 profile image
jeetu_g27 in reply to God_Loves_Me

Thanks a lot GLM , Chemo may be added after one month . will discuss the suggestions given by you.

JohnInTheMiddle profile image
JohnInTheMiddle in reply to jeetu_g27

Thanks Jeetu, your information is very helpful and you seem to be navigating things very deliberately. And it seems that in fact you are following a good plan.

Based on the giant RCT trials the received opinion is that, in the right circumstances such as a brand new diagnosis and metastases, that adding chemo to make it triplet therapy could be a very good idea. However if your father is not strong enough then they probably won't offer it.

All this is complicated both in terms of sequence of therapies and in terms of what therapies are used!

jeetu_g27 profile image
jeetu_g27 in reply to JohnInTheMiddle

Thanks John, Chemo may be added after one moth as per my yesterday visit to MO

JohnInTheMiddle profile image
JohnInTheMiddle in reply to jeetu_g27

Bravo Jeetu and your Father!

Tall_Allen profile image


Tinkudi profile image
Tinkudi in reply to Tall_Allen

Don’t they normally go on another arsi like xtandi when one fails ?

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to Tinkudi

No. If he hasn't yet had docetaxel, he would go on it. Second ARSis typically don't work for long.

jeetu_g27 profile image
jeetu_g27 in reply to Tall_Allen

Thanks TA , they have suggested the same to start after one month , now my MO have some doubt regarding the brand of Abiraterone i was using , i switched different brand(which as per MO is not trusted one) two months back and he is of opinion that ADT generally don't fails so early , he changed the brand and asked to wait for one more month before adding Docetaxel .

JohnInTheMiddle profile image
JohnInTheMiddle in reply to jeetu_g27

Jeetu, you have raised a very important question. Which is the quality of a particular brand of Abiraterone.

I'm on the Natco product. And they got another FDA notice just this past April. But I can't tell if this product is made in the specific plant.

You don't care to mention whether or not this company was mentioned in your discussions? Over 2 years with me, so far so good. Big thanks for bringing this up.

jeetu_g27 profile image
jeetu_g27 in reply to JohnInTheMiddle

i switched to Abiraterone manufactured by Curemart Pharma in India in june 2024 , but now shifted to Abirapro by Glenmark pharma . Hope it works well .

Counterfeiting of medicine and efficacy of some pharma company medicines is a big issue we face in here

Tinkudi profile image

praying that you find right answers dear Jeetu 🤗

jeetu_g27 profile image

yes , there are wonderful people out there in this forum who are very helpful

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