Xtandi worked great: After radiation to... - Advanced Prostate...

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Xtandi worked great

JAK2243 profile image
20 Replies

After radiation to prostate bed and to one pelvic metastasis, I was on xtandi and Lupton for three years and now have been on "vacation " for a year with PSA of 0.02 and testosterone at 4. No meds at all for last11 months!Had a heart attack in May '23 (which I attribute to covid shots) , doctors told me to concentrate on cardiac rehab and forget about prostate cancer for now!

Xtandi was a godsend for me.

Good luck on your journey.

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JAK2243 profile image
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20 Replies
Still_in_shock profile image

Im confused, your T is 4 after being with no meds for 11 months??

Your heart attack was most likely Lupron.

JAK2243 profile image
JAK2243 in reply to Still_in_shock

I'm castrate resistant. Surprised me too!Why do you say Lupron caused heart attack after having none for 11 months?

Still_in_shock profile image
Still_in_shock in reply to JAK2243

"No meds at all for last11 months!Had a heart attack in May '23"

Wasn't the heart attack 10 months ago?

TommyCarz2 profile image
TommyCarz2 in reply to Still_in_shock

Why couldn't the Heart Attack be Covid vax related? Why must it be Lupron?

Still_in_shock profile image
Still_in_shock in reply to TommyCarz2

Not going there!!!😐

jersy profile image

Lupron is known to cause heart issues.

PELHA profile image
PELHA in reply to jersy

So are covid shots!

jersy profile image
jersy in reply to PELHA

The Covid vaccine is thought to be associated with an extremely small risk of myocardial inflammation in young adult men. In almost all cases, this resolved on its own. Lupron (aka Androgen Deprivation Therapy) suppresses testosterone. This accelerates aging of cells, causes bone loss, and leads to a well-known increased risk of cardiovascular disease, including myocardial infarction (heart attack), hypertension, and stroke. This is a much more likely cause of heart attack than the vaccine.

PELHA profile image
PELHA in reply to jersy

We can agree to disagree and I respect your opinion. Have read a lot about this and more is coming out every day.

CAMPSOUPS profile image

I've read a lot too. And more is coming out every day. Covid vac relationship to cardio issue is a nothing burger.

It just depends on what or who you read. You can always find info. to back up your own beliefs in this day and age.

OzT0 profile image
OzT0 in reply to jersy

to each their own belief but I’ve had 3 under 60 year old friends who were healthy that took the c19 jab. They All Died suddenly. I had several conditions including pros cancer, cirrhosis, irritable bowel, ischemic stroke, & heart palpitations. I’m 66 & close NOT to take the experimental & in my opinion death shots. My prostate cancer has cleared & im 2 1/2 years out following imrt & 9 mos of lupron. I went to urologist today & was told annually rather that every 6 months on follow up. I started at 8.7 gleason in 2021. Today I was at .11 & was told no worries unless I hit 2.7 or above. The anticipation is my numbers will stabilize or go down. The lupron is effective but the issue I had personally was it can also falsely mask the numbers. I wanted off of it asap to see if radiation worked at the suggestion of the radiation oncologist. At least at this point I’m glad for the approach I took rather than the urologist who gave me the rolling eyes reaction we’d I chose the radiation over surgery he suggested years ago. Every case is different but I’m happy with my results & the treatment I chose. I was fortunate the cancer was as much as can be diagnosed originally had not spread outside the organ. Fyi the cure rate with radiation vs surgery is the same. Surgery generally has more side effects & many times radiation ends up being a follow up treatment in spite of what providers had originally told the patient. Prayers for all to have a positive outcome & be prepared for the next life, that’s the one that is most important as it is for an Eternity.

jersy profile image
jersy in reply to OzT0

I recomment you look up Occam's Razor. "The simplest answer is most often correct." Why go looking for answers when there is an obvious explanation for something? It is clear that ADT is far more likely to be the cause of cardiovascular issues than a vaccine. You will always find some anecdotal "evidence" to support anything, but science is not built on anecdotes. Politics has muddied the waters on this issue, but I believe in science.

larry_dammit profile image

been on Xtandi now for over 7 years, my oncologist and myself are ticked to death it’s the fact that my stage 4 with several Mets has been stable so long. I know there will come a time that it will fail but for now it’s my savior 😋😋😋

Rocketman1960 profile image
Rocketman1960 in reply to larry_dammit

Xtandi gave up on me after 67 months. Was thrilled for the ride. Searching now for whats next. Probably looking at chemo which seems to be the protocol.

jackwfrench profile image

Thanks for sharing re Xtandi- gathering experience stories for when Lupron fails me!

joeguy profile image

You may want to consider the possibility that your heart issues are from the Xtandi and shots. I had to stop Xtandi with Firmagon due to rapid onset of cardiac problems a few years ago.

Mgtd profile image

“Covid shot caused my heart attack.”

Sure sounds like the beginning of a a conspiracy theory for prostate cancer patients.

j-o-h-n profile image

Your heart, not mine or others was the cause............

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.


garyjp9 profile image

For Jak2233 and the other Xtandi fans above, how were the SEs for you? I know a lot of men have a great deal of trouble with them.

Rocketman1960 profile image

I'm not gonna lie, SE on Lupron plus Xtandi isn't a picnic but they were tolerable. Mostly fatigue and energy level lowered. You can always ask the doc to cut the dosage if you can't live with the side effects. Many have done fine with reduced dosage.

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