I have been developing skills as a watercolour and mixed media artist for well over a year now, with the last year being under the tutelage of an art therapist. She has been so impressed with my progress that she approached a gallery in Aberaeron, Wales, that is launching a new major show in early February. They have some spare wall space (about 2 m by 3 m) and have offered me use of it. I am the first to shout out, 'It's not what you know, it's who you know,' but am going to take up the offer anyway. It will be a good learning experience as to how one exhibits, a chance to tell something of my story with PCa, and an opportunity to exhort other people to get tested for cancer, though principally prostate and breast.
I have attached a recent painting (I don't know if I have shown it before) that I intend to include.
Meanwhile, Jacqui (my wife and carer) is looking increasingly ragged. This coming Wednesday I have a day at the hospice. I am going to lay it on thick as to how much she needs some respite care for me, so that she can indulge herself without having to watch my every move. I too will be able to relax.
I have little other news except for two items. The first is that I have been in the throes of a chest infection these past weeks that has prevented me from doing much at all. Every time I think it has passed, a new wave hits me, knocking me out for hours and inducing ages of sleep. What a bummer. My time feels too valuable for me to spend it in bed staring into space.
Second, I am suddenly being inundated with messages and e-mails from people -- mostly old friends, some ex-students -- wishing to visit. They have known for a long time that I have cancer. Now they seem to be hit by a desire to see me before I go down under. What to do? I am hoping that my ultimate demise will be aeons off, but I cannot know for sure. They, meanwhile, are needing to visit at their convenience. It feels, then, as though my time is becoming increasingly cramped. The last thing I want is for my dying words to be saying, 'Well, at least I got to see SDSDDS', when in fact I want to spend what time I can with my better half. Ho hum. An easy one to solve, I guess; I just need to learn to say No.