A few people said they would appreciate seeing more of my art here. I don't wish to share so much that I become a nuisance -- after all, this site is about cancer, not painting -- but here is today's effort. I call it "Jessie's Woodland Walk III". 12" by 9". Mixed media (watercolour, acrylic ink, oil pastel, gouache).
I love the reference photograph on which this is based. With its path leading into bright and calming woodlands, I can see me painting from it time and time again. I am, after all, hoping for many walks into bright and calming woodlands in my own future.
I am currently being treated for stage IV prostate cancer, and have been since 2004. This painting tells me several things: first, stop to admire the scenery, whether it is the trees, flowers or other wildlife; second, the future remains bright -- not quite 'this too will pass' (that is not possible) but maybe 'there are still good things to enjoy'.
So, I am doing all I can to develop a style -- based on a group of techniques, really -- that says "This is me". It is a wonderful journey.
I really enjoyed seeing the art by other members of HU. So I am not the only one expressing my situation this way! There is a lot of lovely work. I like the way the pictures reach deep into our beings to express how we are coming to terms with having PCa. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could have an exhibition -- even one online -- of our collective work? But I am afraid it will not be me organising it. I have too little energy. Thank you for sharing.