Here we are 11 months since the 6th pluvecto shot. The last scan in March showed progression (priors didn't). My husband Rudy is on Eligard and Arbiriterone. His PSA has remained flat tho the MO says there could be other reasons why it hasn't changed. I asked if that meant it could have morphed to small cell and she nodded yes. Cancun is only an hour flight so he did OK. He spends most of his time in his bed or chair but he is still able to get around with minimal discomfort. And here is us at our favorite restaurant. 19 family members showed up for a Mexican dia de gratis. We have a video visit with MO next week and we send labs. Dont know if we will be able to make it to San Diego in March but Im goung to ask the MO for the ADT pills. At this point chemo is not something my husband wants to do in the future. We are so blessed and have so muxh to be thankful for including this group. 7 years in February since diagnosis. Starting PSA was 1700. We built a house, married a daughter and welcomed another granddaughter during that time. That's the big stuff! A million other beautiful memories have been made. May your hearts be filled with joy this Holiday season! (Wife)
Qol Family gathering on the Riviera Maya - Advanced Prostate...
Qol Family gathering on the Riviera Maya
big warm ehug out to you guys, especially Rudy. Looks like you guys are making great QOL use of your time. How good is that . That’s how “ things “ should be for us. Good for you , keep it going. Best holiday wishes.
Heartwarming to see you make it to a favorite restaurant with loved ones. Best of luck requesting the Orgovyx (oral ADT) -- the companies behind it have fairly robust support programs should you run into any issues.
Wishing you both the best and a Very Merry Christmas!
yes! many of us have a lot to be grateful for despite this diagnosis. Focusing on that has really helped me. I feel like if I die tomorrow I have been a very lucky man.
he has the support of a wonderful wife and family. I am lucky in the same way and know how important that is. 7 years is great. All the things he would have missed if not for research. Keep it up and have a wonderful vacation!
You seem to be really focusing on your time together. That is what I hope for every spouse, partner, friend , and family member. It makes the experience so much more positive and meaningful for everyone.
Enjoy your time together and have a great holiday season!
Thanks for sharing your journey in such a realistic, yet positive and upbeat manner. mCRPC myself, I was just diagnosed with progressive disease. I have been lucky enough to get approved for Pluvicto pre chemo, and start treatment soon. I'm thrilled. Like Rudy, I stay positive and active, but occasionally allow myself to morn my losses. All the best to you both and your family.
If not now, when?
Living with cancer, not dying from it.
Regards and happy holidays
Playa would be a great place to gather! 😎☀️🌅Thank you for your post. Best wishes!
I have four words for all of you "D O N 'T.....D R I N K.....T H E.....W A T E R"
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
Karirudy, Thanks for the detailed info on Rudy's treatment regime and results. It is always encouraging to hear positive stories on this site. I was diagnosed in 2016 so this is my 8th year going on 9th and have had many ups and downs but God is in control and that is the best thing to out our trust in. My MO had wanted to put me on pluvecto in a clinical study a couple years ago but I opted to stay on the Lupron and Abiratereone. He is now moving me over to Xtandi in lieu of the Abiraterone so waiting to see how my body handles it. Doing this will mean taking me off the Prednisone and maybe with my testosterone coming back I will have more energy. We shall see.
God bless you and Rudy. Pay you have a very rested and relaxing Merry Christmas and start to 2025.
Wonderful QoLing trip and even better with so many Family there too💙💙.
Sending Aloha and Love to y'all
QoL on
Mele Kalikimaka