I have decided that it is vital that Jacqui, my wife and carer, gets some relief from me. It is not fair on her that she finds herself watching me during my every waking moment. So, I am booked in for 5 days of respite care at our local hospice, starting on February 13th. I will be carrying lots of paints and paper with me.
The hospice in my area is run by an Ashram called Skanda Vale, and was apparently paid for in part by Lottery Funding. It is staffed by volunteers who are mostly retired medical professionals, with everything from feeding me through reflexology to counselling. It is superbly equipped, with individual rooms acting as wards. There is a common room downstairs for those who wish it and access to upstairs via a staircase or a lift. I must admit to looking forward to going.
I don't know how Jacqui will fill her time; lots of Netflix and YouTube , perhaps? Or maybe hours chatting with me through Facebook? Whatever it is, I hope she finds it provides some relief for her jangling nerves. She has been assured that there will be sufficient staff that I will have access to care at all times; and we have been sufficient times now for her to have developed trust in the staff.