Has anyone tried gabapentin for hot flashes? Jim's MO has offered for him to try it. He's feeling so well (except the hot flashes), that he doesn't want to take something that's going to be a step backward physically, mentally. He tried venfalaxine and at just 37.5mg and could not tolerate it. Thank you very much
Gabapentin: Has anyone tried gabapentin... - Advanced Prostate...

Veozah works well.
Thank you. Good to know. The advertisement for that lists some scary side effects. I will message his MO before he starts the gabapentin.
Always appreciate and highly value your input.
Again, Tall Allen is spot on. I’ve been on it for over 4 years and it works great. It has a couple of secondary benefits in that it decreases joint pain and allows for better sleep. That’s my experience anyway. Good Luck.
I think you'll find that gabapentin makes him drowsy. My friend who takes Veozah gets no hot flashes and gets no side effects.
Just heard back from the NP at UCSF. She says the following: (what have you heard Tall_Allen? Should I message Dr Borno herself?)"Sounds like it could be promising, but I don't believe there have been studies done with this drug and it's efficacy and safety in men with prostate cancer on ADT, therefore, it would be safer not to try this medication and instead to go with some more proven therapies that are safe and do not have a drug-drug interaction with your existing medications. If/when a drug like this gets approved for men on ADT, we will have more tools in our arsenal! "
Thank you
It's true that it is only FDA-approved for post-menopausal women so far. I haven't seen any clinical trials in men yet, so it will be many years before it is approved for men. Yet, there is no reason why it would work differently in men than women, and there are no alternatives that give as complete a response and has so few side effects. The doctor may be willing to prescribe it off-label, but insurance coverage will be a problem.
Thank you for the insight. Doesn't sound like they are willing to try it and Jim may not either. We shall see. Appreciate your time
My apologies, but one more question. What are your thoughts about her concern of not knowing if it interferes with ADT treatment? Thank you
I’ve also found sleeping in a cool bedroom is helpful. My wife and I just add an extra blanket that I can remove when I get a “flash” to cool down and she stays comfortable. “Cheers to our significant others who are on this journey with us.” Hint: Flowers are always a nice gesture to show them how much we appreciate them. 😊
Lol ... that is kind and thoughtful. I turn the heater down low at night and blanket up. He has the double whammy at night, because he wakes up to make 6 trips to the restroom. So would like at least some good sleep for him in between. I went through my hot flashes many years ago, so at least there's one thing I can honestly say I know how he feels. But even then, I didn't get them as fierce and often as he does. And I don't think men are "built" to deal with it because they weren't meant to go through "menopause". It's all part of the aging process with women. Anyway, the whole thing sucks and I wish I could trade places with him. Thank you again, I've messaged his MO and waiting to hear.