18 months ADT and my armpit hair has slowly, but finally, gone 😫.True, it's not a dramatic loss compared to the sacred memory of a hard erection! But a symptom is a symptom, and they all seem to have complications.
After the hair had mostly become a memory, I started having a strange sensation in there where it used to be. A sensation I'd never had before.
My skin was... Adhering to itself. 😬
It just feels so damn creepy!
I have to raise my arm, and with the other hand pull the two sides of my pit apart. My pits aren't sticky, like with deodorant, or otherwise gross in any way once you allow for the visible shift in the landscape. 😄
It would be a simple thing to ask for advice from my partner who goes both ways in the pit department, and would almost certainly suggest powdering them. But I don't want to explain to her the strong lingering memories of the olfactory aura of significantly older female relatives. I loved my grandmothers but I will NOT smell like them!😱
So baby powder, cornstarch, anything with a scent at all, are off the table, and far away from my pits!
And I'd hate to think of the slime running down my sides if sweat where to get mixed up with anything powdery. Gives me shivers 🫨
Okay gents, swing me some of that wisdom of experience! And comic suggestions are just as welcome as serious ones. Maybe more so 😂👍