who out there has been on Lupron and abiraterone? Who is the longest survivor out there in terms of not transitioning to castrate resistant. I just started treatment 6/15/23 and am trying to hit it with additional therapies as my PSA declines. Vit c. Melatonin. Ivermectin. I am going to start baking soda today.
who out there has been on Lupron and ... - Advanced Prostate...
who out there has been on Lupron and abiraterone?

you forgot snake oil
Only utilizing things that have activity against Pca! Pubmed did not list snake oil as having a negative effect on Pca. Send me the article about snake oil please.
Snake oil is much better than Ivermectin.😉

Again show a reputable article that says snake 🐍 oil is better than ivermectin..!
well I will let you know how I do
7 years, 2 months on just Lupron/Zytiga. Only taking supplements for building muscle
What was your PSA to start with the advanced disease? How low did it go? When did it reach the nadir? What is your diet?
PSA never rose above 12, I am currently sub 1, did have it raise once to 3 but radiation took care of that. Never had chemo nor worried about nadir. I workout 5 times a week, no cardio just lift heavy. mostly intermitent fasting with very little red meat. Not many veggies but tons of fruit and lots of protein
What supplemets are you taking for building muscle?
What are the best supplements for muscle-building? I do weight-training 4x/week and the lack of muscle is discouraging. (9 months on Orgovyx/abiraterone/prednisone)
See my post above, I have been using those supplements religiously over the last 18 months and have made huge gains all around lifting heavy 5 days a week
The point of weight training for those of us with APCa is for one's muscles to release myokines. Doing it daily is better. It can take 6 months. As for gaining muscle, that is a _nice_ possible consequence but at the same time one has to work harder to get your muscles to the myokine-release point.
ADT/Abiraterone causes the absence of T, and that causes sarcopenia, so IMO you have to work twice as hard to gain muscle bulk.
My exercise motivation is myokine-release first and muscle building second.
While on ADT/Abiraterone one also loses bone density fast.
way to go!!! God bless you!
Exercise -- degree of benefit depends on severity of PCa and age -- lots of material here on healthunlocked about it.
nearly 8 years , PSA 342 originally has been between 0.11 and 0.3 for the last 7.
I have run over 15,000 miles since diagnosis , stay fit , exercise loads .
So exercise is a common theme between you and mrscruffy.
In my tiny straw poll of about 20 men I personally got to know with stage 4 pca , they all are sadly dead , some in 2 years others up to 5. There are 2 of us alive and …… we both run most days . Others will confirm/disprove the science but if you were me you would not stop would you? Too many men get a rubbish prognosis , give up , no exercise , bad diet and loads of booze . That is not a good formula for life let alone life with cancer .
I’ve had prostate cancer 14 years. Caught it at stage one had prostectomy and no symptoms and zero PSA for 5 years. Then started having pain in ribs and lower back. Started Lupron and Doxytaxel and ZYTIGA and Xtandi. PSA went to zero until about a year ago and now it’s back and I have no more treatments options. So I’ve been metastatic to entire bones in my body and so far no visceral involvement but lots of pain. I’d say 8 years survival once metastatic Lupron and ZYTIGA and Xtandi bought me those 8 years
Hope this helps sir
4 years 8 months, Lupron, Zytiga and prednisone only. Push yourself to exercise, do physical work, eat clean. I don't smoke or drink. The meds will try to drag you down mentally, you have to push back. I have been lucky too, PSA highest has been .06 after treatment. Three months later it was .03. My next test is in a few weeks.
I've been on Lupron for nine years. Bicalutamide was added in September of 2021. That was then replaced with Zytiga in November of 2022. Soon I turn 73 and I can take a licken and keep on ticken (for now anyway)
7 is our lucky number god bless you all. I hope to be as fortunate!
Started zytiga (+ prednisone) and firmagon in December 2020. Switched from firmagon to lupron in June 2023.
MO said no supplements. Exercise is tough because of fatigue, but the less I exercise, the worse the fatigue is.
Also, quit drinking except in rare occasions due to zytiga effect on liver.
Had hdr and Ebrt in early 2021.
Exercise is so important. Do it when you think you can’t.
Got it in 2002 (age 64) RPD.... still fighting it.....(age 86)......... Lupron and Casodex for about 15 years, just switched over to Nubeqa in place of Casodex (roughly 3 months).....MSKcc...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 08/06/2023 3:15 PM DST
great l!
at what time and how much do you take Vit c. Melatonin. Ivermectin and backing soda. Thank you
youtu.be/YU9QUbsqrcQ melatonin
I would run your alternative treatments past your MO. Ivermictin is not an FDA approved treatment for prostate cancer. It has only been studied preliminarily.
Supplements are may be helpful when carefully researched from reliable sources.
Good Luck.
Anything to beat the odds of 30% 5 year survival.
Many men on this site have beaten the 30% number which has not been reevaluated for many years to reflect the new treatments, such as abiraterone. As far as using ivermectin, it's your life, but this is not a recognized treatment for PCa.
You cite a single study and that is statistically irrelevant, especially given it has not part of any FDA approved clinical trial. The article ends by saying: "These findings provide insight into both the effects and mechanisms of ivermectin as an anticancer agent. This raises the possibility of broadening the clinical evaluation of ivermectin for the treatment of prostate cancer."...as in, this is not FDA approved.
There are FDA approved treatments that have been proven to be effective in fighting advanced PCa and patients are living much longer using them. Take your time and really look at the breath of information from respected sources about treatments to which ones have been proven to work. Once you are well informed, then make a list of those that interest you and discuss with an MO. Once you are into advanced PCa territory, urologists are not knowledgeable enough.
I hope you find the peace of mind that allows you to follow a path to your good health.
I appreciate what you are saying and I am pursuing what traditional medicine has to offer but let’s face it the Medical pharma world makes money from the chronically ill not cured patients so I will take what they give but pursue alternatives too.
I personally am solely on ivm kinda of n=1n it. Thus far it’s working rather well psa has gone down n stable for the last seven months whereas before anytime i got off adt it would shoot up to about 6 or 7 and this w my MO’s blessing as he’s rather amazed n pleased that it’s stabilized…
Where are you getting treated?
Uc San Diego one of the more prominent cancer trx centers but only do soc, that’s why I’m so pleased that he’s allowing me to do the ivm n orders blood work initially every 2 weeks n now monthly. The one possible side effect is low white blood cell count but I was able to alleviate it w Vit b6/12 and a little iron…
I have been off and on Lupron since 2017 following a prostatectomy, 38 days of radiation and then the Lupron. My PSA got down to <0.06 or, undetectable. It's been a year since I've had a shot and only now has my PSA went to .18. The things you list as alternative treatments I assume you got from Twitter. Metformin is a diabetes treatment. If a doctor gave these to you - get a real urologist. Get smart! Trust SCIENCE! It's your life!
Thank you for your input. I am on methylprednisolone a corticosteroid which raises blood sugar. It makes sense to lower blood sugar with metformin right? I am no doctor but it sure makes sense.
You should not play doctor with your life. You should certainly investigate any and all science based thoughts. Lupron, by cutting your testosterone, does not kill the cancer, (my understanding is) but it keeps it from "feeding". Yes, metformine is used to treat diabetes. Deal with your blood sugar levels as a blood sugar issue.
WOW now your really talking with the blocking of the glutamine from the Middle East portal, who would’ve thought. I knew there had to be a better way than shutting down one’s testosterone, knowing that it doesn’t kill pca n quits working after awhile. Common sense tells us it’s just not right to deplete someone of their t, especially when it’s not the cure. Glutamine blocks sounds so much more logical, maybe even better than ivm, we’ll see thanks…
YTou really NEED to be consulting with a urologist about these treatments. You have no idea how they might interact with the Lupro, etc. The internet social media platforms will not be the most reliable place to get medical advice.
Medical oncologist is usually much better than a urologist n all lupron does is shut down ones testosterone n doesn’t really interact w any other drugs. Ivermectin n metformin help kill pca cells wo shutting down testosterone, therefore one doesn’t get all the possible fatal side effects, like heart disease, stress, night sweats and or stroke…
I have been on both for the last 11 years, except for 3 “vacations “ during the first 5 years. My PSA was always <.05 when under treatment until about 2 years ago when it started to appear and rose , but to very low numbers over the course of about a year or longer. I had radiation on the tumor that my MO thought was the culprit for the increasing PSA and went back to <.05. Recently , PSA appeared again and last 9 months measured it at: .05,.06 and again at .06. Still taking Lupron and Abiraterone.
You really NEED to be consulting with a urologist about all of these things.
WOW now your really talking with the blocking of the glutamine from the Middle East portal, who would’ve thought. I knew there had to be a better way than shutting down one’s testosterone, knowing that it doesn’t kill pca n quits working after awhile. Common sense tells us it’s just not right to deplete someone of their t, especially when it’s not the cure. Glutamine blocks sounds so much more logical, maybe even better than ivm, we’ll see thanks…
Had RALP surgery in Nov 2015 and had radiation in summer of 2016. Have been on Abiraterone and Lupron therapy continuously since April of 2016, with a short 'holiday of about 7 months' when I stopped them both but had to go back on them when my PSA started being 'detectable' again. Still on both.