I started ADT 6 weeks ago and SRT 4 weeks ago. I just got my bloodwork back. My PSA went from .373 prior to treatment to .148. Is this where I should be at after these many weeks of treatment. Thank you for your answer in advance
Bloodwork after 4 weeks of SRT and 6 ... - Advanced Prostate...
Bloodwork after 4 weeks of SRT and 6 weeks of ADT

4 weeks post SRT is too soon to tell anything. You should not have any PSA tests for 3 months.
Even better, he's 4 weeks _into_ SRT!!
What's your definition of ADT?
As I have monthly bloodwork due to ADT/Zytiga, my PSA was <0.1 the morning before I started, 1 month in, and just now.
So does that tell me anything? I dont think so. Did I have dead PCa cells dumping PSA during radiation, no.
So wait month until RT to see the result.
Just a bit confused on your numbers: do you really mean. .373 and .148?Putting a decimal point before those numbers makes both very low and hence good numbers.
I just had my weekly appointment with my RO. He said the .148 PSA could be just the affect of the ADT and my not be an indication of my progress in beating this thing. As TA stated, the RO said that it will take a few months after ADT and SRT to see whether the therapy worked. The blood test ordered was for the purpose of monitoring my testosterones which as currently at 19. In my mind, this is good progression and I will take any indication of good news over any other news I have gotten in the past few months
FWIW on 3/4 my PSA was 30.5 and T 473.4. Started Bicalutimide 3/4 and had first Lupron injection 3/9. By 4/4 my PSA was already down to 3.33 and T 20.8. On 5/3 PSA was .469 and T 4.5. Obviously, a strong reaction to the ADT. Everyone is different. I started SRT 5/18 and continued monthly labs for the purpose of monitoring the ADT not SRT.
In Pca and in women....... Periods are relevant......
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 07/12/2023 1:20 PM DST