NY Times on Sugar and Cancer.
NY Times on Sugar and Cancer. - Advanced Prostate...
NY Times on Sugar and Cancer.

Did I miss something in the NYT sugar/cancer article about prostate cancer?
Very little from the NYT is accurate, but I get the gist of the article - cancer can feed off anything, including sugar. Nonetheless, it's almost always better for general health, to keep sugar intake to low levels.
Any sugar, even whole fruits with peel? Or just refined sugars? A lot of folks seem to lump them all together (not saying you do).
processed sugar is bad for everything. The cancer finds other things to feed off, once they are deprived of something. Its good to avoid refined sugars, eat low amounts of fruit, but certain fruits are ok in low amounts, like berries, citrus etc. Organic is better, peels are good. Quality fiber helps prevent infections, so that can be helpful in low doses 1 teaspoon a day or less. You can use adaptive theory, and have this stuff for awhile and the switch to healthy fats for a while and rotate back but that’s hard to do if you are not an expert on it.
The Mediterranean diet is the best and the healthiest, I use grass fed beef on a limited use, no alcohol, lots of tomatoes, fruit and choice of beverage is jasmine green tea because I do not have to add sugar.
Thanks. A LOT of folks drop that in forums. Course, a lot of NYT readers criticize NYT's health articles! What to do?
And you have to subscribe to the newspaper at some point.
There have been many articles with the headline " Sugar feeds Cancer". Then when you read the full scribing you see once or twice "processed sugar".
All of these articles simply are drama scare times. No real study has been done and probably never will be done
The 'sugar is bad for you' declarations focus on various conditions it may create or exacerbate , obesity and insulin resistance only the most obvious examples. In the quantities most Americans eat it, refined sugar especially is obviously poisonous.
Like anything else that is delicious, addictive and non-nutritious, refined sugar is no bueno. Even fruit needs to be eaten with restraint if one is looking out for their health. However, the notion that sugar fuels the growth of cancers outright is probably as ridiculous as it sounds. It's the prevalence of it in the typical western diet that is the issue.
These articles are only newsworthy because people tend to love sugar so much they are always looking for a way to have it and eat it too. Identify out of the subject group of the article and have a sweet treat.
Yep. Anyone else feel like I do, that a trip to the grocery store means running gauntlets of temptation aisles?
I dont go grocery shopping just for that reason!!
Ever go to Walmart grocery dept?? It's ALL sugar items. Miss your favorite Hostess item, it's at Walmart. Cereal, they carry all the sugar cereals ever made.
Walked through there when I went to get motor oil.😇
Yeah, I don't think it's that sugar feeds cancer outright. Some food sources will accelerate cancer growth faster than others. Sugar is thought to be one of those sources that will accelerate the cancer at a high rate.
Yes, I appreciate that's a bit too simplistic - because it also depends on what stage PCa is at to what food source is having the highest growth effect.
"Sugar feeds every cell in the body. So yes, sugar does feed cancer cells, but we could not live without sugar or glucose in our blood. However, research shows that eating sugar doesn’t necessarily lead to cancer. It’s what sugar does to your waistline that can lead to cancer."
what it does to the waistline appears to increase the risk, but there are lot of high BMI folks who don’t get cancer; so I’d say perhaps more so in combination with other nuanced factors not yet well understood by the ‘western’ medical establishment.
Acupuncture was was once widely regarded in the western medical establishment as something akin to Voodoo practice(not meaning to dis any for whom that belief system is important), and now acupuncture is covered by Medicare for specific ailments.
Environmental, Emotional, Inflammations from other sources, and your personal immune response related to some or all of these may be equally if not more relevant as BMI.
Not saying your comment disregards this, just thought it might be helpful help to add to the overall discussion here.
Sort of. Glucose is essential for the brain. You'll die without it. Sugar is half glucose.
But you don't need to actually ingest any glucose or sugar. You can quite easily live of meat, salt and water. Some people do, on the carnivore diet.
You body has the capability to create the glucose it needs via gluconeogenesis.
Cancer can form in other ways, not just diet.
It seems to be simple. Excess sugar -> diabetes -> increased cancer risk
excess sugar causes high insulin which is a hormone and could have a role in castrate resistant PC
During a health reset and major weight loss (140lbs) diagnosed with PC. Having almost completed studies to be a doctor when younger I was in contact with many friends and referrals about nutrition, weight, and then cancer. Sugar, just as choline are essential to cell function. That being said research shows that whole foods (including fruits) are beneficial to health. It is a complicated mix of phytochemicals and fiber interacting in the system that makes them different from refined added sugars. I follow a Mediterranean diet along Blue Zones principles of lifestyle now. As with anything, moderation and variety are the key in diet. This supplies a large variety of nutrients throughout the day and week. As we age some supplementation (vitamin B12 in particularl) are advised. I also take magnesium, and when I have blood checkups I have levels of Vitamin D, potassium and such checked as well. Sugar is not an enemy, but take care in any processed food. Most have added sugars, that add nothing to the nutritional value.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 07/11/2023 3:53 PM DST
Otto Warburg has been gone over half a century. This hoary theory should be gone too.
Inflammatory disease is ruinous to health in a general sense... NYT, click bait, paywalls... Junk!
In regard to PCa, when you deep dive on it, learn that it is NOT a glucose associated disease until very advanced, late stage... That it is more Lipid associated...
Nothing has been proven in regard to diet, or changing it once you already have cancer, as having an effect. But there is many personal attestation to that very thing. What's the disconnect between scientific study and personal experience in regard to diet? We might never know. The largest population of centurians exist on the island of Okinawa. Fish and Veggies are the mainstay of that diet, interesting for sure! But how to separate causation or association?
Bottom line is, we don't know! All these things, we are barely 100yrs into deep diving into what Human existence has had for millennia to create, and it might take that long for us to unravel! We don't KNOW what causes cancer, no matter what these articles try to say. Period! If we did, then we wouldn't be having this conversation, lol!
All the Best