If cancer loves sugar is it ok to use stevia?
What’s your thoughts? Do you use stevia instead of sugar and could it be just as bad?
If cancer loves sugar is it ok to use stevia?
What’s your thoughts? Do you use stevia instead of sugar and could it be just as bad?
I sure hope stevia is ok. I have started using in my oatmeal and other unsweetened foods. The full strength stuff. No fillers. Definitely helps
fulfill my sweet tooth. Great in lemonade!
Cancer loves sugar, fat, and anything else you use to keep yourself alive. Stevia is OK.
Human body requires sugar as burning sugar creates energy (ATPs) and those ATPs let us move and do things. Also,Human brain can not use any other fuel except glucose.
So ,its scientifically illogical to think that cancer will get better if sugar is not eaten.
Wheat, Rice, Fruits, Milk products all of these contain sugar.
But, eating refined sugar (sucrose) which as one molecule of glucose and one molecule of fructose can give you a lot of calories which can easily turn into fat and cause obesity...leading to high BP, high blood sugar etc and that is not good for general health.
Avoiding extra sugar is good idea but it has nothing to do with cancer slowing .
Great reply, Bill68. Thank you.