I had three markers put into my prostate to assist targeting the Xray for radiotherapy. Whereas my Medicare advantage plan Humana paid for the procedure, the office nurse said I need to pay $75 for the markers as it is not covered. Is this true??? I have found no evidence for this.
cost of Gold Fiducial Markers - Advanced Prostate...
cost of Gold Fiducial Markers

Call Humana, I have Humana Advanage Plan also. MUSC wanted to charge me $15 co-pay for a phone appointment. I called Humana, they told me no co-pay for phone appointments. I paid the $15 and looked back at my account. They did the same in March but refunded me in April.
The nurse might be thinking the 33% copay under part B for injectables. Maybe remind her its for injectable medications.
IMO, That nurse is saying BS.!!
It always amazes me what they do and do not pay for. They pay thousands for chemo but then fight about a $25 item.
They bill Medicare $10,000.00, get a negotiated $1,200.00, and accept it.
But That $10 co-pay you haven't paid, goes to collection.
With the gold price over 2,000 looks like mine have increased in value substantially since 2019.
i should dig those markers out now. need to sharpen my xacto knife.