I have been treated for metastatic PCa since 2004, and am currently on Xtandi. The side effects have been #!)@()($ awful, and I am currently on fentanyl patches to combat the pain caused by muscle rigidity and joint stiffness. My brain is so foggy that I have found it difficult at times to express myself in words.
To combat all this, I did the usual things -- especially exercise. Though well aware that it is the most challenging of the media, I also during lockdown took up watercolour painting. This has been a great way to me to improve my QoL. I have used it as an avenue for to put together a series of mostly private sketchbooks that I have titled "This Is Me". I say "mostly" because I show both my successes and my failures to my wife. She is a fierce critic.
Yesterday I had a bit of a breakthrough, adding oil pastels and acrylic inks to my palette. I am daring to share the result, which I call "The Path Through the Hedgerow". I hope you enjoy it.