Hello my fellow brothers. In 11 months of vacatión, my PSA has risen from point one to point seven. Still below one. My testosterone is still a little below normal, so I haven't felt the boost of returning to my youthful self, but I am feeling quite good and thankful. I am a former athlete (national champion rower) and have always worked my body hard. The doctors tell me that that is the reason for the relatively slow growth of my cáncer. I am now 77 years old doing an hour and a half of exercise a day along with green tea, garlic and lemon. I plan to return to ADT when PSA reaches 6, then go back on vacatión once I get my PSA back down to point one. This will hopefully get me to 80 and beyond. I know much less about this disease than most of you and do not have access to cutting edge technologies as most of you have, but I trust in my Creator, accept His will with little fear of death and will be thankful for the life that I have had when I see that this part of the ride is over. Much love to all.
11 months of vacatión and going stron... - Advanced Prostate...
11 months of vacatión and going strong, I think

Go Joe
Why did you pic PSA of 6 to restart ADT?
My MO chose it, given that I still have a prostate (he said).
Looking to start a vacation in Dec. so I will be watching your progress with interest
I am thinking of restarting at 2.0 if it rises.
I will continúe to post my progress and any problems. This is indeed a process of learning through experimentation and sharing. Speaking of sharing, I always enjoyed your posts on dancing with Coco but haven't seen one lately. I hope that she is well and still keeping you out til the wee hours of the morning.
We do not stay out late , we dance to the first set of music and head home for more interesting activities, which occasionally extend into the wee hours but mostly we are asleep by 11pm . I stopped posting pics because there is a jealous troll on here that attacks when he sees anything positive.
I know the "troll" you are referring to. You should not be influenced by unhappy people. The rest of us derive great joy from hearing about the good times of a brother.
we love your great pics buddy, post away. Makes the rest of us dream yayayayaya yayayayayayaya.
It’s understandable that men actively croaking from aPCa could / would be grouchy. That, and old age / senility can add in the mix. Sometimes the most grouchy are calling out for a hug and lift up , and maybe don’t even realize it themselves. There is NO place for rudeness among men such as ourselves , but sometimes the pressures of croaker reality can get to individuals no matter what.
Just say’in don’t let the naysayers get you down brother , give coco a hug for me too. I think most of us enjoy your great posts , that’s what “ QOL “ in the header is for …. Those that dont care for the QOL , camaraderie posts can just skip us.
Don't tell anyone.....let this be our secret..... but I think Darryl is a troll.....(pinky promise, okay?)....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 05/11/2023 10:27 PM DST
Much Love. Life is for living. QOL helps to keep us busy, which helps to keep us alive. YOLO. You only live once. No. YODO. You only die once. You live every day. Peace, Mike