Has anyone had experience with pluvicto or other radiopharmaceuticals, with an infant in the household? My dad lives with us (including 3 month old) and is metastatic castration resistant. He has done 7 doses of docetaxel but last month his PSA increased again so I'm wondering and trying to prepare for next treatment options.Thank you in advance!
Pluvicto and babies in house - Advanced Prostate...
Pluvicto and babies in house

Here are safety directions for the first week. After that, there is not enough external radioactivity to worry about.
After administration, Pluvicto will quickly be excreted in the urine, and the level of residual radioactivity in the body is reported to decrease to about 30% of the original dose within 24 h of administration and to about 20% of that dose within 48 of administration
To be safe, for a week after Lu-177 therapy:
If a patient loses blood, that blood will be wiped up with toilet paper and flushed down the toilet.
When there is any potential for coming into contact with a patient’s urine or feces and when coming into contact with clothing contaminated by a patient’s urine or feces, disposable latex gloves will be worn.
When a patient’s bodily fluids such as blood come into contact with the hands or skin, the contaminated site will be immediately washed with soap.
Sexual intercourse is prohibited.
Individuals living with a patient should be separated from the patient to the extent possible. A distance of at least 1 m should be maintained. When together for a prolonged period, a distance of 2 m or more should be maintained. Contact with infants and pregnant women will be minimized.
Sleeping with someone else in the same bed will be avoided. A patient should sleep at least 2 m away. If possible, the patient should sleep in a separate room.
The patient will bathe last. After bathing, the bathtub will be cleaned and washed with a brush and cleaning agent.
Outings in public settings (e.g. public transportation, supermarket, shopping centers, movie theaters, restaurants, and sport venues) should be avoided to the extent possible.
Precautions with regard to handling laundry:
Clothing worn by a patient administered Pluvicto will be washed separately from the clothing of other individuals, and not at the same time. In addition, bed linens and undergarments soiled with blood or urine will be prepared for washing.
Precautions with regard to urination, defecation, or vomiting:
Male patients will urinate while seated.
When feces or urine soil the toilet or floor, that material will be wiped up with toilet paper and flushed down the toilet.
A toilet will be flushed about two times after use.
Hands will be washed and cleaned with soap after urination or defecation.
Hands and skin that come into contact with a patient’s bodily fluids (e.g. blood), excreta, or vomitus will be cleaned and washed with soap.
Thank you! I found your previous posts with these instructions after I posted, so helpful! I'm worried about practically implementing though, since we have a small house and share common areas. Also, would it soak into his fabric lazboy recliner?
Need your Updated bio if you need help from anyone here.......... all info is voluntary.... Thanks..
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 05/05/2023 10:09 PM DST