after exploring options in Germany and London my husband had his first treatment in London on 6 April, he had pain about day 10 to 14 as the steroids finished and then pain passed. We were not expecting g the continual bleeding that started on day 18. My husband has a Foley catheter so it’s is just continual bleeding for last 9 days. He got a blood transfusion last Friday and is scheduled for directed radiotherapy to the prostate next Monday to try and stop the bleeding. Has anyone experienced bleeding after Lutetium 177. If so what treatment did you receive. He has mets throughout his bones skull to toe.
lutetium 177: after exploring options... - Advanced Prostate...
lutetium 177

I'm sorry to hear about the challenges Fiona. I'm going through similar myself and I wish you and your husband all the very best. I would always be interested in your progress.
The bleeding will not result from Lu177. Does your husband take blood-thinners like Xarelto, Pradaxa, Eliquis or Lixiana? The catheter may have caused a wound which does not heal.
Glad you got the LU. Which centre did you use? I assume private. Sorry to hear about the bleeding. Another challenge for you both. Can't offer any advice but hoping he gets some relief soon. Take care of yourself too. Xx
Thanks, we are using the Wellington hospital in London, it was an easier journey than Berlin and both were a similar cost around £12000 per treatment, hopefully we get the bleeding stopped before the 2nd one. My husband really liked the consultant so that was a big plus for London.
Thanks for replying re the Wellington. I see TA has helped with a suggestion re the bleeding. Hope it gets sorted soon. Good luck. Keep us posted if you can.
FionaElbourne is is £12000 per one session or for the whole treatment course ? and is there any additional costs ?
per my understanding the course could be something between 4-6 sessions.
I'm asking as I'm living nearby that hospital and was thinking about bringing my dad from overseas here for that treatment.
Thanks a lot for you and good luck
it is £12200 per course and 3 to 6 is what they expect you to need, you also have to pay £2600 for the PET scan before the first treatment and potentially after the 3rd and 6th. You also pay for consultations which in our case was £350 per meeting. We have only had one so far, you need your oncologist locally to refer you and send all previous scans and medical history. I hope that helps you.
hi Fiona sorry to hear about hubby and the challenges he is experiencing. I am 2 treatments in and have not experienced blood loss and neither have any of my fellow LU 177 warriors. It must be to do with the catheter. If he can get this figured out I’m sure you will find the treatment will work plan and help with pain reduction ( if any).
Best to you both.
My guess is that the bleeding is probably caused by the Pluvicto creating necrosis in the tumor tissue that has penetrated into nearby tissue. They should be able to see that. If so, radiation may may it worse, not better. Have you discussed prostatectomy or even cystoprostectomy instead?
My husband started to get hematuria requiring a catheter following his fourth Lu 177. The trial lead, Dr. Saad from Montreal assured him that the hematuria was in no way related to the Lu. His uro-ncologist believes that he has radiation cystitis cause by adjuvant RT post RP over 5 years ago. After 8 days, they removed the catheter as there had been no blood for several days but 2 days later, he developed another clot requiring re-insertion of the catheter. I think we'll be starting Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy soon. My husband has had a complete response to the LU which is amazing news but living with a catheter sure affects his quality of life.
I have completed two sessions of Pluvicto and am fairing pretty well so far, other than fatigue. Did they install the catheter because of the bleeding, or for some other reason?
I'm also taking Xtandi and of course Lupron every three months.
I also had bleeding. I was on a trial drug 177Lu J591. The J591 is an antibody. The clotting was so bad I ended up in hospital for 2 weeks. My platelets dropped to 15 which the urologist thought was the reason for the clotting. I had catheters, irrigation, cystoscopic operation. My trial oncologist reckoned the dosage was too much as others on the trial also were hospitalised. I had to continue with the catheter even after hospital and after platelet count was back to normal. It can still cause bleeding after exercise and constipation. Fortunately, after 4 months it’s gone, I was able to pee again. Good luck
Thankyou for sharing this, were you able to continue with Lu177. His platelets are 21 at the moment so not too bad.
The trial was for only 2 doses, the second being twice as much as the first. The platelet level of 21 is too low. The levels should be greater than 150. About 6 weeks after coming out of hospital mine recovered to 220. When the trials oncologist noticed the drop I had a couple of bags (intravenous) of platelets soon after the 2nd 177Lu J591dose and then also a few bags when in hospital. I went to hospital (emergency) because clotting blocked my urethra, I couldn’t pee.
My Urologist told me that platelets causes the blood tissues around the bladder to clot up thus stopping the blood vessels from bleeding.