Hi Everyone,
This site has been a great comfort and source of knowledge for me. I'm travelling down a difficult road. I've had a brain tumour/brain surgery. My mother has severe dementia. My father was diagnosed with PC in 2018. He had prostate removed in 2019, but cancer had already spread outside prostate. he Did chemo for a year. Then was moved to another therapy, i can't remember what right now.
In 2021 his PSA started doubling again. He had mets to bone and lymph nodes.
In Feb 2022 he started abiraterone (1000mg) with prednisone and a three-monthly injection. His numbers at start went down and below .10, but the abiraterone was making him extremely fatigued so he halved his dose without consultng his doctor. He is in UK and on NHS. He has monthly blood tests. His results on recent tests have gone from. .01 to .03 to .47, and today his latest results are 1.3. After his results in March of .47 he went back up to full dose of abiraterone. But even after going back up his result today of 1.3 seeems to indicate full dose of abiraterone is now failing. Hespends much of day sleeping and struggles to walk. He is 79 and has two failing knees, and has become very stooped.
His NHS doctor says in 3 months time they will do a scan but might not pick up anything. Do PSMA scans pick up all new lesions?
From reading this site I already suggested to my dad to ask his doctor to switch his steroid from Prednisone to dexmethazone, but he forgot to ask that at his apppointment this am. He has become very forgetful.
He is a farmer, and keeps working as much as he can but sleeps alot. Other than the switch to Dex. Is there anything else he can try. From reading UK NHS guidelines, it seems patients who have taken abiraterone are not then able to switch to Xtandi under NHS guidelines. Unless someone else on this site has experienced otherwise.
Any advice to give me and him hope would be a blessing. Although we both recognise that 79 is a life well-lived.