Hi Everyone,
I'm Sunlight. My Dad was just diagnosed (Mar 2019) with Stage IV prostate cancer that has metastasized to his bones. I'm helping him and my Mom deal with this totally unexpected life change. First, I just wanted to say how glad I am to have found this forum. I've read several posts and shared them with my parents and your stories and words have been so supportive and encouraging. What you do here is such important work, so THANK YOU ALL!! Second, my parents aren't happy with the initial doctor Dad was sent to (among other things, he told Dad there were no FDA-approved immunotherapy treatments, which looks very incorrect, according to my research (research is my thing :)). We would like to find someone else to work with who is a specialist in advanced prostate cancer. Does anyone have any recommendations for the CT area? We are in about the center of the state which means that certain areas of MA and even NY would be possible to get to fairly easily, if needed. Thank you in advance for any thoughts you can offer!
Best wishes,