patient and provider portal - Advanced Prostate...

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patient and provider portal

lewicki profile image
46 Replies

How do you access the provider portal at a hospital. I am getting the run around and advised this is not available as I am not a doctor. I was under the impression under the freedom of information act this is supposed to be available to me. I have accessed a doctors portal as a patient and have found many errors. This is the reason I seek to read the reports to obtain accuracy so that future doctors are able to get accurate information.

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lewicki profile image
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46 Replies
lewicki profile image

Genisys hospital in Gr Blanc Mi. Thanks

tango65 profile image

Your doctor office should give you a link to register and request a code. After entering the code provided by the doctor, hospital or medical group you will be able to access your data.

lewicki profile image
lewicki in reply to tango65

This would be fo the provider portal?

tango65 profile image
tango65 in reply to lewicki

I think it is The ones I have allow me to access discharge notes, encounters notes, results of clinical studies, bills, messaging with doctors offices, request for medical records etc..

lewicki profile image
lewicki in reply to tango65

There are two portals. One is for the patient and one for the provider. A provider is the hospital, doctor and nurse reports. They are not the same for a patient and I think may have incorrect information and needs to be corrected.

tango65 profile image
tango65 in reply to lewicki

It my experience it is very difficult to correct information in one's medical chart with these "new" electronic medical records systems, such as Epic etc.

These systems are a kind of GIGO systems.

I tried to change my list of diagnosis and I couldn't do it since it is generated by the system using information coming by the different providers, labs etc.

lewicki profile image
lewicki in reply to tango65

So much for freedom of information.This may have been part of the governments plan to keep us in the dark or just plain stupid way to do things.

lewicki profile image
lewicki in reply to lewicki

If you have access to the provider portal perhaps a patien shoul be able to enter corrections and see the entire portal.

tango65 profile image
tango65 in reply to lewicki

Perhaps, but that is impossible.

tango65 profile image
tango65 in reply to lewicki

I vote for plain stupid.

lewicki profile image
lewicki in reply to tango65

Oh I forgot all the doctors know a whole lot more then you . Peon

in reply to lewicki

The hospital sets you up with the patient portal. This gives you access to your labs, test results and reports. If the hospital actually has a patient portal, as most do. It can usually be done online. You would need to speak with your doctor to correct information you feel is incorrect. Actually, I sure hope my doctor knows more than I do. Sometimes their interpretation of things I said loses something in the translation.

in reply to lewicki

LOL. No big conspiracy plan. The government doesn't care about your prostate problems.

Teacherdude72 profile image
Teacherdude72 in reply to tango65

Still not a provider portal. All these should be accessible via a patient portal. Check with your doctors office for the link and sign in instructions. If you find some details incorrect contact that doctor to correct them. If minor things might not bother but major that effects treatment options jump right on it.

Tall_Allen profile image

You can request any doctor's report you want through the patient portal.

lewicki profile image
lewicki in reply to Tall_Allen

I will try this. Thanks

lewicki profile image
lewicki in reply to Tall_Allen

I would think this applies for a nurse write up?

Magnus1964 profile image

My hospital (Penn Medicine) has a portal where you can access your medications, upcoming visits, test results, and so much more. What hospital do you use?

in reply to Magnus1964

Penn's portal is Very User Friendly, Ours ,(Wife and myself) are also linked to our Tower health portals and I was able to view her chart in real time during her recent hospital stay. I like that Penn even uploads imaging results that we used to have to request, and then they'd be on a cd ....that was a pain. Now we can view the imaging results from anywhere. However, "Widespread Bony Metastasis" doesn't really tell me where. Nor does "Innumerable Pulmonary Masses, measuring up to 3 centimeters". But it's helpful that I can share with doctors outside the Penn Medicine Network, as it was my primary doctor (Tower Health) who was suspicious of my year + back pain and sent me for x-rays. The x-rays revealed a t-11 vertebral fracture. Anyway, sorry to stray, bottom line...portals are terrific tools

lewicki profile image
lewicki in reply to

I agree. Why have two portals? Who set this up this way and why. Freedom of information I guess.

SViking profile image

i’ve been to several cancer centers, and they are all linked in with something called MyChart. That has all of your medical records, doctors notes, blood test results, past and future doctor visits along with doctors recommendations. You might already be on the system and not know it

wagscure259 profile image

At MSK in NY my patient portal has all my reports, documents which includes doctors-nurse-nurse practitioner encounter notes, test results etc. If I see misinformation I contact the nurse in my MO’s office and she can correct any errors. Unfortunately the way these systems are formatted, some information automatically flows from one note to another bringing with it previous errors. I have on several occasions discovered and had errors corrected.

Blueribbon63 profile image

Exactly, My clinic also offers the My Chart application. However, any changes or disagreements must always be discussed with the doctors as they are the only ones with access to do it. I like my application a lot, I get lab results almost right away so by the time I see my physician I can bring out any concerns or requests to update information.

tarhoosier profile image

I have several providers at several institutions and they are linked in the EPIC and MY Chart software for me to access. The reports, labs, scans and so forth are available there. However I do not know if these are the only information on record. There may be other information such as appeals to insurers about care approval, CT videos and not just the written report, and maybe more that are unavailable to me. I accept that there is a patient facing portal and an institutional facing portal and some of the institutional may be unavailable to me such as approvals and confirmations for care and Rx by the institution, tumor board discussions and much more.

Is it necessary or valuable that I have this information?

lewicki profile image
lewicki in reply to tarhoosier

So what you are saying is that EPIC and My Chart get uploaded from all other portals?

tarhoosier profile image
tarhoosier in reply to lewicki

When I sign in to my local provider Epic/My Chart site I can search for scan, tests, labs and other results and all of them, regardless of doctor, provider, or institution, are presented for me. Same as when I sign in to the other provider Epic site. I think I did something in the past to merge these but it has been some time now and I cannot recall clearly.

mintlatte profile image

so we do see all the info in our patient portal. I have found errors in mine…and literally while I am on the phone with the doc or in the preliminary with a nurse before an appointment I bring them to their attention to have them corrected. You will be able to see what the doctor puts in, but having access to change your own without review would be an unworkable system. We have to work with our providers to have them correct the errors. If you feel like you aren’t seeing all your providers notes you can surely request more information there…but it would come through the patient portal.

lewicki profile image
lewicki in reply to mintlatte

How does any of us know what is in the provider ( doctors , nurses etc.) portal?

If it is freedom of information then why have two portals ?

I am aware of patient portal access but I really like to see the provider portal.

What is so secret to have two portals? Makes no sense.

lewicki profile image
lewicki in reply to mintlatte

One doctor had me three inches shorter and no weight compensation for my stainless steel hips.

mintlatte profile image

so the provider portal would grant the user access to multiple patients and is used as the data entry point. In the one my provider utilized…they are the data entry system, but I can see everything they put in..I just can’t change that data. Literally our doc shares his screen during appointments and we are in the exact same data system. For simple patient security alone you have a user account. If there is anything you believe you can’t see in your patient portal…ask. But no one will give you provider access as that is meant for providers to access multiple patient accounts.

lewicki profile image
lewicki in reply to mintlatte

That makes sense but I do not think it is entirely true. Do you need to know all that is on record about you ? Believe me their are things on the provider that are not privy to you.

Freedom of information act ? Right.

mintlatte profile image

if your concern is strong that your doctor is hiding things behind a digital wall…send a records request to the office record keeper and request a copy. These will be the records you would use to consult another provider and should have everything in them. If you are on good terms with your provider ask them to show you your record in office and direct them to what you want to see. Just know that there is literally no system that is going to give you provider access.

mintlatte profile image

On a personal level though, I have MS and my husband has prostate cancer ( which is why I hang out here) and one of the biggest fears of many of us is that our doctors don’t believe us, that our doctor has somehow classified us in a way we can’t see. I can understand that there might be thing you want to know but just can’t see. Whether these are technical jargon documents that provide high level information about your health conditions or maybe even whether your doctor thinks that your symptoms are real…I can understand why you want to see things from their side. That said, there is no way to get that without asking. When I have asked, my providers have answered, it that may not be the same for you. But if your providers are not forthcoming it might be worth evaluating that relationship and finding a provider that will go through your records with you.

lewicki profile image

I Tried and was refused . Provider portal is not available to the patient. Only patient portal is available .What government authority may I access to enforce the freedom of information act and be able to access the provider portal to add and correct mistakes. ?

j-o-h-n profile image

What government authority? GOD.

Good Luck , Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Thursday 03/23/2023 9:04 PM DST

lewicki profile image
lewicki in reply to j-o-h-n

Tomorrow is Sunday. Will talk to god then.

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to lewicki

Not this Sunday, God is off, it's the "Short people with red hair who drive BMW's" Holiday. I guess you forgot with all the excitement about "International Women's Month"

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Saturday 03/25/2023 1:15 PM DST

babawinter profile image

"This may have been part of the governments plan to keep us in the dark or just plain stupid way to do things." I don't think your cynicism and negativity will help you get what you want. While electronic innovations have occasional bugs, they have made extraordinary progress in recent years and enable us to have helpful access to our records and efficient communication with our medical teams. As several here have replied... if you ask your medical team for info, they provide. If you carry cynicism and negativity into your conversations with your medical team, you probably will have difficulty getting what you need.

lewicki profile image
lewicki in reply to babawinter

I have not asked for anything from anyone yet. Just trying to use the system. Most aware of a negative presentation. I am aware of some things on the provider portal that I am unable to access.

lewicki profile image
lewicki in reply to babawinter

I did ask my PCP and was told it had not read the provider portal. Oh OK.

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to babawinter

efficient communication

I agree, especially when I speak to a "A I" telephone recording for 15 minutes and keep pushing those digits to eventually get to talk to a human being. Then of course the human being connects me back to a new "A I' recording. LOVE IT!!!

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Saturday 03/25/2023 1:07 PM DST

lewicki profile image
lewicki in reply to j-o-h-n

Almost like the Laurel and Hardy skit. " who's on First "

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to lewicki

Q. "Olie, who's on first?" A. "Abbot".........

Q. "Stan, who's on second?" A "Costello".....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Sunday 03/26/2023 3:22 PM DST

lewicki profile image
lewicki in reply to j-o-h-n

Such a great act.

CAMPSOUPS profile image

A camel is a horse designed by a committee.

However if there are indeed errors they should be corrected and rather than the patient haphazardly just going in and changing things it should be brought up with the lead Dr./MO and other health team members before making a change.

Patient portals make this communication a snap.

If you wanted to bring up conspiracies about freedom of information why didnt you just say so in the first place.

lewicki profile image
lewicki in reply to CAMPSOUPS

You have to be able to read the provider portal to know if there are any errors?

Are there things on the provider portal that may be incorrect? Curious. Are doctors human?

We need AI.

Not what you're looking for?

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