About 4 months on Lupron. Besides the miriad of daily hot flashes, mild tired, I have been feeling decent, but last few days lots of leg, calf, and other muscle cramps. Can this be related to Lupron? Taking Oxybuton for hot flash, but low dose. Any reason not to take a potassium and magnesium supplement to see if it is electrolytes?
Leg cramps: About 4 months on Lupron... - Advanced Prostate...
Leg cramps

Oxybutynin may be the source of your problem. Try not taking it and increasing your water intake.
I increased my water and MO put me on Potassium as it constantly runs low
There are APPs for your smartphone such as CRONOMETER and they offer a free version, too. You can monitor your food intake for a few days and see, if you get enough magnesium. Otherwise change your diet (preferred) or complement with a supplement. I‘m not a doctor, but that’s what I don
Similar experience but not sure I can trace it back to Lupron. Coconut water for electrolytes and bananas for Potassium seemed to help. My MO also prescribed Potassium Chloride due to low potassium in my blood tests.
I haven't had cramps but muscle and joint aches that have increased substantially since I have been on Lupron. No matter what every day feels like "the first day back" to exercising.
my MO put me on tonic water and Claritin, which surprisingly worked.
Have you tried transdermal E2 in place of those nasty, exorbitantly priced Lupron injections?
Is that a proven way to lower T to acceptably low level? If so, what doseage?
I have been using the E2 gel for almost 5 years now and here are my PSA levels: Check out my posts for images of how much I use. I apply it 'most' days. I don't know if it will eliminate leg cramps since I haven't had that problem for many years. I have been dealing with PCa for 20 years and still feel great at almost 80…I am totally asymptomatic. I don't even know what a hot flash feels like? I still do two sets of 15 pull-ups each day.
4/1/2018 - 0.71 [started using tE2 4/15]
6/19/2018 - 0.49
8/3/2018 - 0.19
10/30/2018 - 0.046
1/22/2019 - 0.076
4/23/2019 - 0.014
8/10/2019 - 0.004
11/06/2019 - 0.003
2/11/2020 - 0.012
5/14/2020 - 0.003
2/16/2021 - 0.003
12/11/2021 - 0.012
4/2022 - 0.006
7/2022 - 0.006
11/2022 - 0.006
I still do two sets of 15 pull-ups each day.
I do 3 sets of four, alternating pull ups with chin ups ( easier).
You have raised the bar Ron😎
Impressive! What's "E2" ? Where can I buy it?
Estradiol…I buy E2 gel here in Thailand. It is not available in The US. The pharmaceutical companies and doctors do not want it sold there since it would eliminate doctor visits and $6K trimonthly Lupron injections. I haven't been to a doctor for five years.
This has been quite a learning experience on this 13th month of Jims C diagnoses. Thank you for your valuable input❤️

Hi Karen,
Is Jim using the E2 gel? If so, is it helping him?
E2, not yet. I will email you for some advise before he starts.
I was on Orgovyx for 6 months (rather than Lupron) and during that time I had muscle cramps in my hands. They stopped once I was off ADT and my t recovered.
On ADT (Orgovyx) for 7 wks now. Started developing unexpected intense calf cramps by week 5 during normal workouts. Already getting electrolytes from regular dietary sources (bananas etc) so I upped hydration and added an electrolyte supplement which has resolved it. For me it seems to be the ADT and forgetting I’m not 30.
Maybe switch from the Oxybutynin to Megace 20mg daily. That stopped hot flashes almost immediately for me with no side effects. Try drinking Gatorade G2 low sugar or maybe Pedialyte for a few days and see if it helps.
I found lots of exercise really helps with symptoms. Also convenience MO to prescribe low dose Estrodiol 0.05. Helps with Hot Flashes and bone density. Check studies for proof.
For me exercise includes hiking in woods and rowing.
How much do you exercise and what kind?
5 to 6 days a week. Weights, Swim, run (not like I used to with mortons neuroma in feet). Have trainer.
In that case up the exercise intensity if possible and round up the other usual suspects-minerals, stretching and especially hydration.
If you have been athletic a long time you know how to hydrate. If not you might be coming up well short even with perceived effort. It has to start upon waking if you’re working out hard, especially in warmer weather of course. Not necessarily large amounts at a time, just consistently.
I never cramped until I started taking Lupron. Even after being off of it for 2 1/2 years I still cramp if I don’t hydrate well, but if I do almost never.
If you’re only at 4 months address this now. ADT side effects are usually cumulative.
Nighttime urinary frequency complicates the situation for me but then so does everything. Great luck to you!
London, Thank you for your advise!
I had a similar problem. I tend to sleep on my back. During the colder weather, the extra weight of the blankets would cause the tops my feet to bend forward and put tension on the calf muscles. After a few hours, I would wake up with leg cramps. Started sleeping on my side and cramps disappeared. Never have leg cramps in warm weather when quilts and wool blankets are stored away.
i was able at one time to participate in ultramarathons. Found tums were very helpful for cramps in legs during competition in addition to hydration
FWIW, none of that has resulted for me in 3 years of Lupron. Hope you figure it out.
Jim has no muscle cramping any more you can also add a little Pomegranate juice to the mix. I hope you feel better!
Are you all on statins? I find I seem to get leg cramps when I am on statins full-time. I lowered to 2 - 3 days a week and much better.
Yes..but been on them for over a year
I've been on intermittent ADT for 7 years. My leg cramps (not sure they are from the ADT) are prevented by my oncologist's recommendation of a quarter teaspoon of magnesium citrate, plus a half-teaspoon of potassium chloride (both from Bulk Supplements) in a cup of water, rinsed three times with a bit more water, as the magnesium is slow to dissolve. My cramps only come late in the night, so I drink the treated water at my first bathroom stop about 2 am.
There is something else you can do. At night take melatonin along with your magnesium glycinate. Start with 20mg melatonin and work up to at least 60 mg at night.
Just to give you an idea
I used to have a lot of problems with leg cramps almost every early morning.. But I ran across this product & haven't had a cramp since I started using it.. Its Hyland's Leg Cramps ointment.. I just smear a little bit on my calves & the top of my feet.. Doesn't take much.. I order it from Amazon 3 tubes for about $20.. It comes in a couple of days.. Only once did I see it in a local pharmacy.. Most don't seem to have it in stock... Sure works for me..Good Luck..
I had the same on zolodex but took advice from a consultant who was was also a runner. He said the hormone therapy was causing muscle wastage and to lift weights to rebuild them. For me it improved things within 3 or 4 gym sessions.