Guy Tenenbaum Protocol.: I've been... - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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Guy Tenenbaum Protocol.

jtango profile image
22 Replies

I've been watching Dr. Berg's interviews with him and when Guy was showing the supplements he uses, they said that ALA and garcinia together inhibit the SCOT (pathway?) (enzyme?) (process?) which allows the protective outer covering of the cancer cell to melt away, leaving the cancer cell vulnerable.

Is anyone here familiar with that? If so, what form of garcinia and at what approximate dosage for each. Are there other supplements that do the same thing?

My otherwise healthy, happy, handsome husband has prostate cancer and is on Lupron. He's also on a vegan diet and he takes a boatload of supplements. Also on Tamsulosin for BPH.

I'm not in panic mode, nor is he, I know in my heart this can be turned around or at least halted, but any and all advice will be appreciated.

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jtango profile image
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22 Replies
NecessarilySo profile image

As for garcinia I have not used that, and upon reading about it I get the impression that it has no studies regarding prostate cancer. As for similar supplements, I have tried lycopene, and there are numerous studies and articles about it and effectiveness against prostate cancer, specifically. I have been using lycopene supplements for many years and I am quite covnvinced that they are effective in my personal experience. However, they work in quite a different way from garcinia. My understanding is that they increase t-cells and the t-cells kill prostate cancer cells. Also they block prostate cancer reproduction or slow it down.

Example: ttps://

Ramp7 profile image
Ramp7 in reply to NecessarilySo

What form and dose is used?

NecessarilySo profile image
NecessarilySo in reply to Ramp7

Lycopene capsules, 20 mg, one a day, (buy online). Catsup, barbecue sauce, pasta sauce, taco sauce, thousand island dressing, canned chili, shrimp coctail sauce, tomato juice or V8 juice, tomato soup. I try to assure that lycopenes are eaten with oil such as soybean oil. I fry in soybean oil, sometimes coconut oil, and sprinkle the lycopenes from the capsules plus other spices like black pepper, paprika, granulated garlic, curry powder. Must COOK and EAT WITH OIL, lycopenes that you consume, otherwise you are wasting your time. I try to keep the lycopene level in my blood up to roughly 70 mg per day, so I try to consume lycopenes at every meal if possible. Sometimes it isn't possible like eating out or eating with others. The lycopenes that you eat will only enter the bloodstream when they are in the upper intestine, which means they are effective for six hours starting about 15 minutes after you consume. So, they are working to reduce prostate cancer progression only during that time. That is why you need to eat some every meal, and even at midnight snack if you want full effect. Think of the cancer progression as an upward accelerating curve, which turns down during lycopene contact. One meal a day does not flatten the curve. two meals a day may flatten the curve. Three meals a day may get the curve heading downward moderately. Four times a day gives the curve a significantly downward trend.

These are my personal choices. 1 cup of V8 juice is good lycopene for a meal, 16 mg. Try to get total daily lycopenes around 50-70mg. watch out for sodim intake. Also consider around 10-20 mg per meal total. I go through a lot of catsup.


My numbers are a bit fuzzy, this is the first time anyone has asked me. I slack off on lycopene intake when things are painless. Lately I do use the lycopene capsules one per day. I try to eat lycopene rich foods throughout the day if possible. Perhaps a better number lately is around half of what I wrote above, 30-40 mg per day. I suppose it depends on the severity of your condition.

gsun profile image
gsun in reply to NecessarilySo

I read Ramp7's report below and it said cooking tomatoes increased the bioavailability of Lycopene but is that because of cooking the tomatoes or cooking the Lycopene?

jtango profile image
jtango in reply to NecessarilySo

Thanks. the ALA and garcinia combination is supposed to destroy the cell membrane's protective barrier.

Ramp7 profile image

Bio-availability is always a concern.

Ramp7 profile image
Ramp7 in reply to Ramp7

jtango profile image

Thanks so much for your information. Really, we're kind of in a wasteland when it comes to doctors here. I'm sure that none of them would have a clue as to dosage. Most of them don't even recognize the importance of nutrition. I'll just have to scour the internet for information, but you've helped enormously.

Maximode profile image

I’m following a similar supplement protocol, that is coincidentally similar to Dr. Berg’s.

And, as stated in other comments, I’d strongly recommend doing this with either a high-level of understanding of body, nutrition, and drug interactions science, or in cooperation with your medical team.

Here’s a study you may have read, that speaks to the dosages:

Presentation on the study above:

jtango profile image
jtango in reply to Maximode

Thanx for all the good info. I'm thinking of dropping the garnicia because I'm seeing that it's linked with weight loss. Tenenbaum also did some extreme fasting that my husband can't do because he doesn't have any weight to lose.

Maximode profile image
Maximode in reply to jtango

No matter your decision on the inclusion/exclusion of any supplement: Restating from last comment - I’d strongly recommend doing this with either a high-level of understanding of body, nutrition, and drug interactions science, or in cooperation with your medical team.

Certain treatments are needed and then discarded at certain times in the road to remission.

I wish you well.

jtango profile image
jtango in reply to Maximode

I'd love to have a medical team familiar with alternative and complimentary protocols, but I'm in Alabama. I will err on the side of caution, however. Thanks.

Guy_Tenenbaum profile image

I'm still alive 4 years after with my protocol and CANCER FREE Guy Tenenbaum

Gl448 profile image
Gl448 in reply to Guy_Tenenbaum

Saying you’re still alive after four years due to whatever protocol is kind of meaningless given that you joined the forum today, have no posting history, and have not shared what your original diagnosis and any SOC treatments you received were.

All your profile says is “cancer terminal cancer survivor”.

What kind of cancer? Gleason score? Staging score? Localized or metastatic?

Tell us what you had so we can determine the value of your “protocol” in context

Or are you claiming to be the Guy in Berg’s YouTube video?

Gl448 profile image

Have you looked into Dr Eric Berg’s qualifications to give medical advice regarding cancer, let alone anything?

He’s a chiropractor, not an MD or PhD, and he doesn’t even have practice any more.

I won’t personally call him a quack, fraud Artist, or scammer, but there are plenty of actual doctors and trained dieticians who do.

He has at least one dissent decree from the Virginia medical licensing board for violating 3 laws in relation illegal testing and practices.

There are dozens (hundreds maybe) of debunking videos on YouTube about him from actual qualified medical practitioners.

The Better Business Bureau has hundreds of complaints about double-billing and bad supplements from his health supplement store.

He’s been sued for forcing his Scientologist beliefs on at least one employee.

Even his own son has disowned him as a parent and accuses him of donating at least $7,000,000 to Scientology. Granted that may not bother some people.

Bottom line for me, though he may be a charismatic YouaTuber, he’s amongst the very last people I would take medical or cancer treatment advice from. Even his dietary advice is questionable.

jtango profile image

Personally, I'll take nutrition advice from Berg or any other chiro before listening to the average MD. They pretty much ignore the importance of it and basically don't know squat about it, while chiro's get extensive nutritional education.

Our health care system provides miraculous surgeries, great diagnostics and acute care, but when it comes to chronic illness and disease, we're foolish to turn ourselves totally over to a system that just wants to treat symptoms. We're on our own to a large extent.

Gl448 profile image
Gl448 in reply to jtango

Meh. Berg’s alma mater only has two nutrition courses. One semester of Foundations of Nutrition and one semester of Clinical Nutrition, I’m sure actual nutritionists would not consider that extensive nutritional education…but hey, if you’re comfortable with it, more power to you.

Gl448 profile image

Did you catch that Guy Tenenbaum had surgical castration? He had his testacles removed. In other words he's on permanent, irreversible ADT (androgen depravation therapy).

Common sense would dictate that that had far more impact on his cancer remission (not cure) than fasting and swallowing a bucketful of vitamins and supplements per day, since deprivation of testosterone is the first step in the SOC, and helps many folks for many years.

Tenenbaum isn't even at the 5 year mark is he? You can't claim to be cured until something like 10 years has passed...

DD50 profile image
DD50 in reply to Gl448

Well, he was given 3 months to live and his scans at diagnosis were pretty dire. It's fine to be skeptical, but it's another matter entirely to summarily dismiss everything altogether and just lay down and die when the doctors are done with you, which seems to be your contribution in this thread. There a lot of snake oil in the supplement world, but there's also some marginal insurance benefits of intelligently supplementing dietary deficiencies. And theres a ton of emerging research on autophagy and nutritional discipline that's worth exploring when the doctors are telling you that they're running out of options.

Gl448 profile image
Gl448 in reply to DD50

Where did I say just lay down and die? Hint: I didn’t.

Where in this thread did I say there’s zero benefit in supplements or diets? Hint: I didn’t.

Guy had his testicles removed (Androgen Deprivation Therapy) which is almost certainly what put him into remission.

But go ahead and walk away from SOC as Guy claims to have done and follow Guy’s bucket of pills and fasting protocol.

Come back and share your results in a few years if you’re still alive…


DD50 profile image
DD50 in reply to Gl448

There are some folks that are positive and friendly, and there are some folks on the asshole spectrum. If I am alive in a few years, it will have had nothing to do with your pissy contribution into the human xperience. But everyone knows that already. I'll leave this open ended so you can get you last word in before you leave for the day to go road raging, which is the character impression you make here.

Gl448 profile image
Gl448 in reply to DD50

There are some folks that are rationale, intelligent, and don’t resort to calling people assholes because they disagree with their opinions about fraudulent therapies propagated by quacks trying to sell a book.

Then there are those who are overly emotional, not that bright, will chase every fake promise of a miracle cure, and lash out in anger when they disagree with someone.

You seem to be the latter, and far more likely to road rage or violence than I would ever be. Maybe you should add an antidepressant to Guy’s bucket of pills to help you stay a bit more calm.

Thanks for letting me have the last word, but I sincerely doubt you stick to that. Prove me wrong and don’t ever reply to any of my posts again.


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