I just received the first injection of Lu177 on 11/10/22. So far the side effects have not been bad. Fatigue has been the primary SE, along with headache. The fatigue is probably worse than what comes with ADT, but still very tolerable. There have luckily been no issues with nausea or diarrhea . Some of the areas with bone Mets are also hurting. Not sure if that might be from the drug attacking the cancer ? I was directed to discontinue Darolutimide, so the only hormonal drug I will be on is Orgovyx while I am in the trial. I feel very fortunate to have gotten into the SPLASH trial when I did, because I was told the trial just closed last week. Hoping they learn from guys like me that earlier use of Lu177 before chemo has an increased therapeutic benefit.
First injection of Lu177-PNT2002 as p... - Advanced Prostate...
First injection of Lu177-PNT2002 as part of SPLASH trial

Inflammatory pain in bone metastases is common following radiation. Good luck!
I did not have any SE on my first LU-177 either but the second one was different for me anyway.
I completed 6 infusions and was chemo naive. Side effects tolerable. I found hiking a lot complemented the therapy well. PSA dropped from 8.1 to 0.19. Lymph node in groin stable. Metastases on L4 stable. One small hot spot on tail bone scheduled for radiation. I too feel very fortunate to have landed in the trial at Dana Farber. A very special bunch of people. All the best to you
How long has it been since you completed your infusions? is your PSA remaining steady at .19 ? sounds like an excellent response
Completed the cycle in October. Final PSA 0.50. A small area still active on my tail bone. Radiation scheduled,
Thanks for posting your experience. Please continue to do so. DH is waiting on appointment to get started at the University of Virginia.
Thank you for your sharing your experience. The best of luck to you My friend. Never give up Never surrender. Leo
Hang tough Joe.... Probably I will be there shortly
Is this used post extensive chemo? In the US is it still only in trial. I thought fir some reason that it was available now
Best of luck. Ty for this info
a slightly different version of this drug is approved for use after chemo in the US, it’s called Pluvicto
Congratulations and good luck on the trial. I just missed it, so will be following you closely and hoping for another trial soon.
Would your consider sharing your path to current treatment with LU177?
I am am just entering a Clinical trial, OK.
It has been 9 months now , how has it worked.