Has anyone used serrapeptase to help with inflammation and the development of urethra scar tissue after IMRT. I have read it is used in Europe to help alleviate pulmonary fibrosis, apparently it has fibrin dissolving properties.
Serrapeptase: Has anyone used... - Advanced Prostate...

I tried it, but was of course an experiment lacking a control. All I can say is that I nevertheless wound up with scar tissue that causes back pain, and 100% urinary incontinence.
I used it when I broke my penis. I had big scar tissue and my penis was bent because of it. It took a year of taking it but my scar tissue seemed to slowly go away and it did straighten out. I was thankful for that.
i have not used serrapeptase for radiation induced scaring but used castor oil effectively. i had scaring (this is an assumption, cystoscopy just showed "a real mess" according to the urologist) and a week of applying castor oil hot packs fixed the problem. i was unable to get a catheter in and can now do so quite easily. the scaring was at my bladder neck or at least that is where i was encountering resistance to the catheter.
So this was all external castor oil packs then? Sounds like it did provide you with some relief.
I first tried injecting it in through a catheter and it did nothing. When two different friends suggested external hot packs I figured WTF. I still have major urinary issues but at least I can get a catheter in which is very important considering where I live. It is a 4 hour drive to a hospital where I trust them to insert a catheter, suprapubic if necessary.
I have a bladder scanner so I can tell if it is time to head to the ER. I am in the process of getting the snow tracks working (don't ask for details) on my UTV so the plan is that I will be able to get to the (hopefully) plowed road in an emergency. I am not sure if urinary retention qualifies for a helicopter ride
Serrapeptase is actually an enzyme from a moths gut. It’s used to dissolve the cocoons so the moth can get out. It desolves fibrin very effectively.I have taken serrapeptase for years and never experienced one side effect. So if you have scars or ganglions, atrial plaque or anything with fibrin, this is a good thing to take if you wish to remove the fibrin.
Can I ask what brand and strength of serrapeptase you take? I have a gut full of abdominal adhesions and have read about the possible improvement in diminishing scar tissue but have been apprehensive about nausea or other belly upset.
Sure. It varies depending in what strength you want it and if you want it enterically coated.This is the one I'm taking at the moment because I also want the Nattokinaisse.
SOLARAY Nattokinase and Serrapeptase Supplement 30 Count a.co/d/eI2WMax
I have used proteolytic enzymes for years. I am currently taking Natto-Serra (Doctor's Best). My intention is to dissolve any mini-clots that cancer cells may use to spread. A number of our members do this: how effective it is...well, it's like everything else we do with this condition.
Thanks everyone. Good to get feedback on it, I wasn't sure if anyone was actually using it so thanks for the response.
I just had a surgery to remove scar tissue from the tip of the urethra. Gen anesthesia but went home that night with no Catheter. Although I had SABR to Prostate in Jan of this year, my scar tissue was NOT FROM SABR, but from 5 Cystoscopy’s, and 2 TURPs, in 2 years. These large instruments going up the Urethra is NOT NORMAL. That is a one-way shoot! My urine stream was shooting out about 6 feet (or more), because scar tissue was closing off the tip, and consensus was that it would soon close off more completely.
Makes me curious if I could have had quick success Serrapeptase?
Serrapeptase an enzyme as many suggest is also good for detox of the liver , where when we hopefully have cancer die off this enzyme helps in the process of removal, Serrapeptase can be a little strong , Options in the same would be Tudca and MCP as in Pecto Sol C , MCP also good for those like myself with Met,Please research to learn more