F18 Pima pet/cats an shows 2 cm tumor in prostate with no Mets. Nubequa without lupron faling, may be castrate resistant as I been on lupron before. What to do now thats not too invasiive unless necessary. Thanks fo any comments before I call a radiation oncologist to see if I can re irradiated s rat image guided brachytherapy cryotherapy or Gifu in order of preference. Lastly robotics
f18 pms a pet/ct scan shows 2cm tumor... - Advanced Prostate...
f18 pms a pet/ct scan shows 2cm tumor in prostate with no Mets Witt nubequa without Lupron failing. May be castrate resistant as I been on l
Nothing in your profile. Is this a recurrence? If so, what was your previous treatment? If you are using Nubeqa, you've had metastases. How many, and where? At minimum, you might add Lupron to see if that shrinks the prostate met.
Ian 83 and had 3d conformal beam feb,2000, Nubeua given to forstall Mets and it did. Only have peanut size on left side of prastate
So you got Nubeqa when you had rising PSA while taking Lupron? And then you stopped Lupron?
It is likely that you didn't have enough prostate radiation in 2000 to get rid of all the cancer in your prostate. Brachytherapy is your best bet.
Would appreciate any helpful input.
I had SBRT radiation of a recurrence at my prostate without side effects. They radiated just the visible lesion.
Here is an overview of your options:
Where did you get your sort done. I been searching near Buffalo ny
I do not live in the US. The nearest center for you is in Syracuse:
Called Saracuse they don’t re irradiate a reccurrence in the prostate gland with their cyberknife sbrt. So sorry
I would look into HDR brachytherapy then.
Maybe I’ll just stick with the meds as Nubeua fails try fermagon first to suppress tumor while better treatments become available. After all meds kept it controlled for 20 years from first Psa reccurrence
That is a valid option for you. I personally try to remove tumor if possible. It may well be that other SBRT clinics will radiate you, it is the decision of the RO there. Here are two clinics in Pennsylvania:
Very much appreciated gp24. Will give them a call