Hi Gentleman,
I am here to find some hope, positivity, and some recommendations for my father who I love so dearly. My dad was diagnosed 5 years ago at age 65 with stage 4 prostate cancer and advanced METs, a terrible retirement gift. He started on the Lupron shot and 6 rounds of chemo (Docetaxel). He responded well for a year before his PSA started rising again. He then started Enzalutamide and despite the hot flashes, fatigue, and all the other side effects that come along with androgen deprivation things have been really good and he's been stable for 2.5 years! I guess he's already been really fortunate with that and he's been having a great, almost "normal" quality of life. It's almost been a break from the anxiety and Cancer consuming all of our minds.
Since Jan of this year every 3 months his PSA has slowly been rising. He went from being undetactable up to detectable, than 0.2, 0.8, 2.9 and then MO decided to test again in 6 weeks and now he's at 5.3, that result we got today. It's clear the medication is no longer as effective. Despite being really worried about this he feels good, no symptoms. We follow-up with the MO tomorrow and I believe the plan was to likely schedule some scans as he has not had any in 2 years because he was stable. They mentioned starting chemo in the near future again. My concern is that we live in Canada. It appears to me from some of the posts here that lutetium 177 or some of the radionuclear medications could be a good option. The problem is Canada is not set up yet and when I asked his doctor's they encouraged us to wait. I remember being told "your dad will get it at some point, but the optimal timing of adding medication isn't known yet, so while he's stable let's let that option develop and it will likely be an option for free here in Canada soon. There are also side effects to that so if he's doing really well let's just wait for that step."
I find it overwhelming to know there are options for men and yet when you ask oncologists about these options if they aren't approved in the country it's hard to get the right answers. It almost develops a sense of distrust and a feeling of should we be doing something different?
I just want to know if there are others here that have had a similar path and what medication they tried next? Could Chemo be effective a second time and then going on a different androgen deprivation drug? What other options are good? Are there any other Canadians exploring Lutetium 177 and where's the best place to go? Are there any questions we should be asking the MO?
Thanks in advance for any information that might be helpful!