My PSA has started to rise after 5 years. It’s at 1.24 ug/L. The last PSA three months ago was 0.27 ug/L. I have been on continuous ADT mono therapy since diagnosis, except for a short ill advised break in 2020.
I was originally treated with ADT upfront followed by 6 rounds of Docetaxel and radiation to the prostate. I believe this treatment was based on the Charted and Stampede trials.
My testosterone is still 0.1 nmol/L. This means I am still castrate sensitive.
I guess my question is what should I add to my treatment plan to get the PSA under control.
Recent scans show original metastatic disease stable with no new sites. I am not eligible for the PET scan until my PSA is at 2.0 ug/L.
I was concerned with micro metastasis. I would like to know what is the reason for the rise in PSA.