I've often wondering why know hormone therapy was given until I blew my PSA out of the water 14 weeks after the Radical Prostatectomy.
1) I found out I had cancer in later Feb 2020
2) I met with a urologist/surgeon on March 13, he recommended Robotic
3) I meet with the Robotic Surgeon on March 30th
4) Surgery was on April 28th, told I still have some cancer a week later
5) Fist PSA test on August 3rd was 52
6) Second PSA test on August 10th was 67
7) Third PSA test on August 24th was 165, along with another bone scan at CT scans...Result Bone Mets, Met with an MO the very next day
I won't go into the rest of the journey but why not start some kind of mild hormone therapy as either as soon as you know you have cancer, or certainly after they tell you you still have cancer a week after the surgery. Of course we all get the same old story probably from the surgeon, " I'm pretty confident I got it all". Yea right.