When injecting testosterone to the body the T is < 10 should the patient experience a high aggressive personality
Testosterone injections and roid rage - Advanced Prostate...
Testosterone injections and roid rage

How many ml injected and frequency of injections?
What type of T? Cypionate?People do react differently. I injected 400 mg/wk of cypionate for 2 years and never had roid rage. But I did 20 mg of Dianabol for a couple of weeks and became highly aggressive.

I knew a guy way back in the 60's in a gym ( believe a YMCA ) who was on dianabol. Stay away from him as he was a raging idiot.
Screwed with my head. I'm normally very mild-mannered. On dbol that changed. A guy inconvenienced me by taking 5 seconds to park his car in front of me. My response was to start yelling at him, jumping out of my car, and running towards him with intent to harm. Fortunately, he got in his car. When I got home I threw away all of the dbol.

I think the Nazi's created it in WW2 to make the soldier more aggressive.
I don't think that T restoration does anything other than restore one's normal male personality.
I remember, years ago, reading why one should neuter male pets. (It was written by a woman.) From memory:
... Your pet will be much "happier"
... He will be less likely to wander & get into fights with other males.
... This is because testosterone causes agression.
I remember it because it annoyed me. Probably because I still has testosterone.
I can't think of any upside to castration. My wife on the other hand ...
Sounds like a Stepford pet. I need to watch the remake. imdb.com/video/vi318439705?...

On a few occassions over the years, when I had shown frustration at some aspect of modern life, she has asked: "Did you start your testosterone this morning?" Ouch.
She prefers the mellow me.
But testosterone is misunderstood. When levels have gone above 1,000 ng/dL, I have never felt the need to drive fast & wrap the car around a tree. Or go to a bar & start a fight. Typicallly, T just makes me feel content & able to handle anything that a day brings.
T makes me happy, confident, and outgoing.
When I did low T without E I mentally went to a horrible place.
What saved the marriage is that I used 150 mg of Androgel that night. Something in me was sane enough to know that was the antidote. Sure enough, a few hours later I was horrified by my non T&E actions.
pjoshea13 wrote --- " ... I can't think of any upside to castration ... "
JUST CELEBRATED my 7 year bilateral orchiectomy anniversary, (GL10), met with Uro on a Monday when he said ADT, I said Orchiectomy and less than 24 hours later the boys were history.
Upside = no more catcher's cup, worrying about a pedal slip when standing while pedaling my bikes and 10 pounds lighter after the deed was done making hill climbing easier. 😂
Been on Cypionate injections for 6 years that brought T up to 1,600ng/dL after shot without any noticeable reactions. STOPPED the Cypionate 2 months ago and no major effects but the legs are more tired at the beginning of my rides with less power available. The FULL MOON is tomorrow and will be trying to complete another overnight 100 mile FULL MOON BICYCLE RIDE but it's taking lots longer as I approach 72 years.
Nal, great to hear from you. The important question, “How’s the fishing?” I’ll be stalking Redfish this time next week out of Rockport, Texas.
Not quite 20 years yet, but 19. And I am only 75. Your knowledge on supplements and how they interplay with hormones and cancer is amazing. I always enjoy your writings. I covet your physique. Great going. Yet, I know that you work hard to lessen visceral fat.
I was never a supplements guy, but since January, I am taking DIM, D3 - both sublingual and capsule, Iodine, Methyl B12, and ADK10. Add to that 0.4 ml of Testosterone Cypionate twice a week. The tale of the tape: 3 inches to waist, 4 inches to abdominal area, and 1 1/2 inches on thighs. Weight loss is rocking along.
Testosterone, free - 88.2; T3, free - 3.2; Testosterone, Total, MS - 1300 (lowest 1023, three days post injection. Fair to say my testosterone level has not been lower than 1023. Estradiol - 72. Perfect ball ace to effect weight loss! PSA - <0.041. Cardiologist, Oncologist, and Gastroenterologist are very please.
As far as me, I am motivated, clear headed, enhanced mood, body mass changing, no longer irritable, short tempered, and tired; and of course an awakening. I think the poster, Lewicke, has confused testosterone replacement with performance enhancing steroids designed to boost overall muscle-building.
The guys on TRT will know what I am writing. I do want to say that my good fortune is not an endorsement of testosterone replacement until the cancer is killed. Going back to 2005 in a PCa Usenet Group, I remember the Mathematics Professor from Chicago University talking about high T and it’s effect prior to publishing his book.i still don’t know if it is curative or long term palliative, however, it appears to work. I have come to understand that the mutated cells cause an imbalance within the body and management of this imbalance is important. G*d Bless the pioneers and guinea pigs,
Gourd Dancer

Rockport cool lil place.....used to goto hunts court...

Awesome, gourd_dancer. Happy for you.
Thank you Mateo. I hav been truly Blessed.
Exit signs are all the rage these days,
But I think they're on the way out....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 04/13/2022 6:53 PM DST
Not in my case (BAT). It is rare and sometimes occurs among bodybuilders who take massive doses continuously.