This is my first day on Zytiga after 8 years on lupron. Any advice or insight appreciated.
Zytiga first day: This is my first day... - Advanced Prostate...
Zytiga first day
I felt zero additional SEs from starting Zytiga (abiraterone acetate) after being on lupron alone.
I've never heard of lupron alone.....can you elaborate?

Interesting that you never heard about Lupron mono therapy which not long ago was the SOC. Now most are including an advanced AR drug like Zytiga and others. Though that is the best choice for many initially with metastatic PC. Estradiol low dose patches are very good for countering adverse SEs and bone weakening from ADT regimens.
I am on zytiga for the second time around. First time I stopped it due to fatigue and muscle aches/spasms in legs. Second time I am taking it (currently) I am doing much better with no fatigue or leg cramps. I figure I was taking the prednisone incorrectly the first time (without food). After starting zytiga I noticed the first few bowel movements were harder to pass. Might plan for that possibility.
Thanks laxative at the ready then

I use ground chia and flax seed for the constipation and helps lower cholesterol.

polyethylene glycol, 1/2 dose, works well.
Why the zytiga, did your PSA start to rise? How is the pain in the hip? Have you had radiation yet?
Psa rising discomfort in hip increased a bit. No radiation or chemo

You might consider xofigo or external beam radiation, depending on how far apart the bone mets are.
My situation has striking similarities to yours. Same age, dx 2014, mono adt (Bicalutamide in my case), began Zytiga 10 weeks ago (alongside Zoladex ). No turps, was never suggested.. I had radio EBT. ADT side effects weight gain, hot flushes, fatigue. Continence challenging but just manageable. Grandchildren and golf for activity. I have found Zytiga to be tolerable, taking w Prednisolone. Can sometimes provoke mild constipation; veg and fruit work. PSA hovering around 8, not much movement either way so far. I have bone mets, trying to get them under control. Good luck.
Been on zytiga and 5gm prednisone for 15 months started at 1000gm daily after 2 months started liver toxicity but PSA was reducing my medical team reduced me to 500gm a day since last 9 months PSA has been 0.02 and lower with 3monthly pro strap hormone injections Lack of energy my main problem but force myself to be active with exercise regular long walks and watch diet
I've been on abiraterone(Zytiga) since Nov 21, having it added to relugolix(Orgovyk). At first, my hot flashes really increased, especially the first day. Since then they've tampered off to where I can now pretty much predict when they'll likely happen. Next, my liver enzyme numbers, which I was told to monitor, increased. But the MO team said the numbers weren't high enough for real concern. Those came back down to normal levels pretty quickly. Finally, I was instructed to monitor my blood pressure every few days while taking abiratrone. It took it much higher than normal for awhile, and I would get headaches. The MO gave me a 'failsafe number' for when to seek treatment if it rose above that level. But it's only gone up to the edge of that number, and gradually it's come down to a consistently very healthy range. One side note, before it really came down, I had received some very bad news one day in late Dec, and absent-mindedly took a second dose of abiraterone instead of the relugolix. Soon after that my BP went way above the number the MO gave me. But came down fairly quickly so I didn't seek treatment.
Thank you that was very helpful
On Zytiga and Pred. I walk and do light weight bearing exercises everyday to combat some of the side effects.
I'm just starting on Zytiga as well. Might be an idea to compare experiences at some point. My PSA was 0.52 last month, but bone scan showed two new growth in vertebrae L2 and right femur.
Good idea my psa up to 40 after being around 6 to 8 for years. My main problem is left hip. I will follow you on here if thats ok. Got bone scan next week. Incidentally I am in uk.

I'm 75, live in Cambridgeshire and have already followed you. Good luck with the bone scan. I have a CT scan on Tuesday. After the bad news from my bone scan, am now wondering what other new sites may pop up. Still, onwards and upwards and all that
Fatigue is a major side effect. Regular exercise is the only cure, which, ironically, causes fatigue. But in the long term, it helps.
Thanks to all for your comments they are both reassuring and informative
Been on the full dose for a year and half, no issues except more intense hot flashes, not much fatigue, keep up the exercise and follow the dosage instructions.
Eligard injection Zytiga 4 years now. Whatever reactions you got from Lupron alone will pretty much be the same with Zytiga added. It's usually done together anyway.
Go sic em Rogersw....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 3/13/2022 10:47 PM DST
Rogersw: I, like many others, started Lupron and Zytiga at the same time (3 years ago in my case). So we can't tell which SEs are due to Lupron and which are due to Zytiga. Of course, most are simply due to testosterone decrease and hormonal changes that both drugs produce.But, since you have been taking Lupron and are just now starting Zytiga, you are a good test case. Please be sure to let us know any SE changes that you experience.
Been on Zytiga for almost 4 years. Initially with prednisone then changed to dexamethasone. Hot flashes were pretty common the first year but have settled down or I just have learned to ignore them. I am 70 but have tried to stay active with hiking, skiing (including backcountry touring), backpacking and climbing. Has some episodes similar to Addisonian type collapse early on and got a endocrine consult that was very helpful regarding use of additional prednisone in time of severe physical stress or over exertion. Probably need endocrine consults more often given the drugs we are given.
Glad it’s going well Rogersw . just bought a chillmax pillow ( cool pack pillow ) for hot flushes in summer months at nights