I saw an ad on Facebook today for a drug called “Saxenda”. I don’t know what it does. Got me thinking that ADT could be called “Sexenda”!
A Little Joke : I saw an ad on Facebook... - Advanced Prostate...
A Little Joke
One less thing to worry about
Thanks for the laugh today. 😄
Nice 😊
😆😆😆😆 It's not called chemical castration for nothing!
I REALLY hate that term. It is emasculating. When are we going to be called eunuchs?
Probably never. Our situation is temporary, while a eunuch's is permanent. At least I'm hoping ours is temporary since I'm going off ADT and am hoping for the best. 🤞
FIRST thing for ME was a bilateral Orchiectomy and I'm happy/proud to be a Unique Eunuch. The pathology report on my *BOYS* had a note from the Pathologist stating --- "I can now confirm that 10 pounds of balls can indeed fit in a 5 pound sack."
I have had this bitch for 16 years. On my 4th or 5th round of Lupron. Now with Erleada!! It’s Firm-A-Gone!
You got that right.....
Right up there with Firmagon for a drug name...
Firmagon - the first time I heard that name I did a double take: " Really? That's the name of the drug? What kind of twisted sadist came up with that? "
I can pretty much laugh about it but... really!
'Warfarin' is my favorite. WTH? Glad I don't have to take it. But seriously, who came up with that name?
It’s cruelly perfect. It’s T we’re missing, so if only you could add a T to the drug it would be sexTenda.
Not to be.
No extenda, instead it’s the enda!
I told my wife that I'm becoming transgender. 😊
My wife would be ok with that as long as I could still keep her happy in bed... Life Is Good, so is a happy wife.
You got that right! 😫
Good one
Had my two Firmagon ‘loading’ doses a couple of weeks ago and yup, I can confirm that Firmagon has disallowed any firmness anywhere, either seen or felt. Sort of like Bugbegon. Can imagine that the boys and girls who sit around the pharmaceutical conference room tables and choose drug names have had a few laughs.
If the good pharma folks really wanted to get inventive they could retitle Firmagon to Firmagonforever.