Cancer sucks regardless of species! - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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Cancer sucks regardless of species!

noirhole profile image
40 Replies

Last week we lost Sadie a 9 year old miniature dachshund who ruled the house. In 2020 we has a mass removed with good margins in 2021 it came back so we had it removed but the cancer came back with a fury and within weeks we had to let her go. Its one thing to be cursed with metastatic prostate cancer with little or no hope for a cure, but to go through that with a family pet who has been such a comfort is heart breaking 💔. Good luck to you all and your loved ones of any species.


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noirhole profile image
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40 Replies
Lyubov profile image

Sorry sorry for your terrible loss.

noirhole profile image
noirhole in reply to Lyubov

Thank you. Loosing a loved one is never easy.

SuppWife profile image

I'm so sorry. It's so awful to lose a beloved pet. We have two long haired Dachshunds. They're a special breed. Pets leave such a vacuum when they go. My sympathies to you.

noirhole profile image

Thank you. Sunday mornings were special she would get in bed and try to lay across my neck like she did when she was a pup. We still have three more dogs but she ruled my heart.

spencoid2 profile image
spencoid2 in reply to noirhole

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I miss my Sophie so much. She was a neck snuggler too, nothing like that in the world. I thought I would never have another dog when she died of cancer. I do, I have two now and they are both great dogs but Sophie and I had a most special relationship. After both Sophie and her sister Lily died of cancer, I started feeding my dogs raw home made food. I am convinced that high temperature cooked kibble is poison to dogs.

noirhole profile image
noirhole in reply to spencoid2

I believe food is a key in many ailments in humans and animals. Thank you for sharing your loss.

allie2020 profile image

Please accept my deepest condolences on your loss of Sadie. I lost my last two beloved dogs to cancer, one at 14 (after extensive treatments) and one at 10. I read that if a dog lives to be 10, there's an 80-90% chance they will die of cancer. To me, words cannot express the pain of losing a dog like Sadie. Try to take good care of yourself.

noirhole profile image
noirhole in reply to allie2020

Thank you. We all love our pets. My wife runs a vet clinic and cancer in pets is very hard to treat. We talked to the entire team of doctors and at some point you just have to do what is best for yourpet.

CAMPSOUPS profile image

When our Newfie passed in 2003 my wife said a few days later that it was the first time she ever heard me cry vocally. She had seen my tears before but not vocal uncontrollable crying. Its a testament to how much we love our dogs.I hope this sadness can pass and good memories will start to prevail.

noirhole profile image
noirhole in reply to CAMPSOUPS

Your not alone. I can't even talk about my first dog who was my best friend for 14 years to this day without a tearand that has been 20 years ago.

treedown profile image
treedown in reply to CAMPSOUPS

Been there done that more than once I am sorry to say.

Dachshundlove profile image

A dog’s love is unconditional.

The love is worth the pain, and it’s a devastating loss.

May Sadie rest peacefully and may you find room in your broken heart to find another Doxie. I lost the Doxie love of my life, in April 2015 and a month later adopted a new little trouble maker. I felt guilty at the time, but in retrospect, it helped me to heal. I will adopt quickly again, when the time comes. May the memories of your little angel make you smile through the sad tears.

noirhole profile image
noirhole in reply to Dachshundlove

Thank you. You are so right get up dust yourself off and move forward. I foresee another dog in our future.

Spyder54 profile image

Awwww David,So sorry man. Pups become such a huge part of the family. So wrong they such short lives. On average only 1/7 of an average human.

We have 2 mini Aussies that help us stay grounded. When you are out of the state of blue, make a time to rescue or find a new pup. You will be happier, and they will extend a humans life.


Mike & Barb

Our Mini Aussies
noirhole profile image
noirhole in reply to Spyder54

Sometimes they show compassion and love beyond human. Thank you! Nice looking pups! They look very happy.

noirhole profile image

So true. Thank you.

Collarpurple profile image

So sorry. True it’s like I have to fight for life but dang I sure needed the joy that Sophie brought me. 😍😇

spencoid2 profile image
spencoid2 in reply to Collarpurple

What is it about Sophies? So we some how know they will be the best dogs ever when we name them. As I said I have great dogs now but Sophie was a once in a lifetime girl.

noirhole profile image

You are so correct.

Muffin2019 profile image

So sorry for your loss, pets are family, one of our 5 cats, the oldest had a skin cancer removed in 2017 then again in 2021 at the age of 17. We are both survivors of cancer, I am in 5 years, the cat also is diabetic and gets an injection twice a day, another cat has IBD and is on medicine also. They are part of us, time to heal and maybe find another pet to keep you company, God bless and stay safe.

noirhole profile image
noirhole in reply to Muffin2019

Thank you passionate care for all. My family had a cat named Charlie that we got as a kitten when I was a toddler he lived to be 19.

I’m sorry about Sadie . Our pets can get everything we get . They are like children . 😩

noirhole profile image
noirhole in reply to

Yes they are our children and more innocent. Thank you.

in reply to noirhole

Innocent unconditional love . Lulu is our light ! There is a great song from the 70s . “ Sweet Sadie” by he spinners . Oddly enough I was just listening to this a few days ago . 💔seriously I Don think that I could hold it together if lulu goes before me .. She’s five and I’m hoping that she will outlast me ..I’m sure that sadie is in doggie heaven now . Rip baby! 💔

Aodh profile image

I’m sorry to hear of your loss of Sadie, losing any pet is so painful; cherish the memories


noirhole profile image
noirhole in reply to Aodh

Thank you. Time and memories will heal.

larry_dammit profile image

😢😢😢. I hate cancer, such a hateful killer , hang in the warrior. I don’t know w hat I would do if I lost my little partner

My right arm
spencoid2 profile image
spencoid2 in reply to larry_dammit

I bet your right arm is a lot cuter than your left :)

in reply to larry_dammit

OH yah! 👏😂

noirhole profile image

Thank you. Ready for an adventure! Always good to have a loving partner riding shotgun!

Jackpine profile image

So hard to lose a pet as they truly are a part of the family. So sorry for this loss.

noirhole profile image
noirhole in reply to Jackpine

Thank you!

dorke profile image

I went thru a similar situation about three years ago.Really heartbreaking 😔

We took our time to mourn and after 6 months we brought home

a puppy. Having such a good friend as a dog makes the struggle easier

and I'm sure it also has health benefits.

noirhole profile image
noirhole in reply to dorke

Yes it will be a while but I am sure we will get a new addition. Time....glad you found a new addition they all have very different personalities.

j-o-h-n profile image

Sadie the Lady....Wonderful love givers....Get another love giver asap.....

j-o-h-n Monday 01/17/2022 11:30 PM EST

noirhole profile image


Farmhand profile image

So sorry to hear that you lost your best friend Sadie… It never gets easier, as we have had many dogs over the years and losing them is always devastating. Over the past 30 years we have Bred and raised Alaskan huskies for dogsledding. Due to Numerous bone Mets (Too many to count)Which are now no longer active, temporarily, but nonetheless have left behind a much more fragile spinal column, I no longer dogsled.

My passion for dogsledding has transformed into a passion for caring for our family members, the dogs,….50 in all….25 Older family members in the house and not enough room on the beds couches and chairs for them all…The other 25 in a warm dog barn.

The average lifespan for these dogs is approximately 14 years although we do have a few 15 and 16-year-olds. As was mentioned previously, because of their older age we always have at least six dogs with cancer. In the past, there was nothing we could do for these dogs besides surgery and then watch the cancer come back with a vengeance. But now in an odd twist of fate, because of my own advanced prostate cancer diagnosis, there is a silver lining, as we have been working with a very kind scientist the past two years who has provided me with her specially formulated 3BP formulations to use to treat my own cancer and also to use for our dogs. For our dogs with cancer we now no longer do surgeries to remove the tumors, instead we treat them with her oral formulations and sometimes for more stubborn aggressive cancers, we inject the tumor directly with the formulations. We have had two complete responses using only oral formulations for mammary cancer,

Several complete responses for sarcoid and other solid tumors,Some quite large, after multiple injections and oral treatment for several months. We are currently treating a 12-year-old dog, Chippy (Love of my life) Who has a very aggressive anal sac tumor that when diagnosed was out of the capsule and invasive. It is now much smaller and stable …It has been 10 months since we have been treating her which is normally about

The predicted lifespan for a dog with this style tumor without surgery. Our vet does many of these style surgeries and says that within six months after surgery the tumors return and are much more aggressive. Chippy continues to lead a very good life with lots of energy, as there are no side effects from the formulations that we used to treat her with. If I had never been diagnosed with prostate cancer, I never would have gotten to the point where I am now with the ability to help my dogs in a way that I never dreamed possible.

The “powers that be “ work in ways that are difficult to understand sometimes.

I saw that you mentioned that your wife is a vet… Perhaps she would be interested in using some of the formulations for cancer treatment? Currently we are working with two vets who are documenting our dogs progress on the formulations. We hope to provide as many studies as possible (for our scientist friend) with dogs so that someday these formulations can be made available to all animals.

Not enough room on the futon!
noirhole profile image

It appears you have a happy 4 legged home. The treatments you describe sound promising. I'll have my wife review with of her doctors. Thanks for your kind words.

Farmhand profile image

The scientist is Dr. Young Hee Ko.Her formulation of 3BP is called: KAT….How it is formulated is crucial, as the raw chemical is, in her opinion, not useful.

The reason it has no side effects is because it is a targeted therapy and is only absorbed by cancer cells due to the Warburg effect And the altered metabolism of cancer cells. Highly glycolytic cancer cells, especially cancer stem cells, absorb KAT because they mistake it for glucose(pyruvate). glycolytic cancer cells expel large quantities of lactic acid through gates in their membrane…They also have a large number of mono carboxylate transporters on the surface of their membranes….Both of these attributes are particular to cancer cells and not normal cells….And so normal cells do not absorb KAT. ……Once the KAT enters the cancer cell it quickly shuts down ATP production causing apoptosis..That is a very rudimentary description of How it works. For more information your wife could look at Young Ko’s website:

Phase 1 clinical trials for KAT start for hepatocellular carcinoma this March at the Mayo clinic.

Please let me know if you have any questions, also I would be happy to speak with your wife if she has any questions…..

noirhole profile image
noirhole in reply to Farmhand

Yes, she and several of her doctors were very interested. I will pass on the latest information and PM you her contact info. Thanks again!

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