Doctor transitioning from Lupron and the butt shot, to Abiraterone/prednisone et al..... what can I expect?
What will be the effects of transitio... - Advanced Prostate...
What will be the effects of transitioning from Bicalumatide plus the shot in the buttocks to Abiraterone and prednisone etc

Your PSA will go down and your doctor will have to check for hypertension, hyperglycemia, hypokalemia, fluid retention, and liver enzymes. Most probable these side effects will not happen if your dose of prednisone is adequate. Some people have increased liver enzymes any way since abiraterone could be hepatotoxic.
Do you have metastatic disease?
Why not take both concurrently, Lupron and Abiraterone?
Lupron is still needed. Abiraterone won't be prescribed without ADT.

I already have the abiraterone and prednisone delivered...waiting on bone scan results whether there are more or fewer lesions/tumors on the bones. Hot flashes, sensitive to sun, brain fog, muscle spasms are what I already go through with Lupron + buttocks shot which I cant remember name of. Will it be much worse, the side effects? I feel like a dementia patient right now, can't even remember the proper word for the brain disease. Is it worth it to live longer as an idiot? The doctor tells me they will give me a drip that will drive calcium out of my blood which is causing the brain fog, is this true?
Sorry brain fog. I take a shot in the ass every 3 months and take bicalutamide daily for 4 years. Now they want to add abiraterone and prednisone because my PSA Is up to 30 when it has been at 0-5 for a very long time. What is it like on the abiraterone plus the current treatment? Has anyone just gone without treatment and let the disease run its natural course? Life without a coherent thought is not much of a life. The treatments are stealing my once very sharp mind. I can hardly read a book and remember it.
First and foremost, I feel for what you have been through as well as what you are obviously still going through, physically and mentally. Your words indicate your prostate issues are much more advanced than mine. Little consolation. Just few words, the loss of testosterone to virtually 0.0, zero testosterone showing up bloodwork, and I just chose radiation/Lupron,the latter extremely reluctantly. Thus testisterone making equipment in mans body, shut down. Some times it comes back, my case, was on self inject testosterone, for 3 years prior to diagnosis, as my body just lost ability to produce T, causing just about every sympton, and yes Brain Fog too, you described. Lupron caused double whammy. I assume since all original diagnosis differ, and all men diagnosed unique, all treatment advice, decisions, have different results,
You mention 'quality of life'. 'Just let it take natural course'- let chips fall where they may.
I thought long and hard about same, decided againgst common sense, to go back on Testosterone, with closely watched bloodworkups. It's a choice, as without Energy, and simply hoping to just being a Man , again, what kind of life is it anyway, just really hoping, and yes a little praying as well, things look up again, for however time left is allowed. Choice, who really knows?
God Bless, Best to you and loved ones.
The very high co-pay. Start looking for co-pay relief.