Many have noted here that PC, unlike some other cancers, depends more on fatty acids than on glucose.
Here is another study noting that high intakes of sucrose/fructose (particularly in the form of sugary drinks) impact de novo lipogenesis. That is to say, the sugars help promote the body's increased production of fatty acids from raw materials (amino acids, etc.) on hand in the body.
The authors suggest that high consumption of fructose or sucrose (a fructose-glucose disaccharide) might result in "a persisting reinforced lipogenic gene expression."
Cancers feeding on fats might thus seem not to need fats only, or even primarily, from the diet. Sugars in the diet may trigger an increased production of the fats that cancers need to grow. This does not necessarily suggest a low-carb diet is good, but would suggest that a diet particularly HIGH in simple sugary carbs might be bad... and not just possibly bad for PC progression, but for bad for heart disease and insulin resistance, too.
[It would seem to support the idea floated by John Yudkin over 50 years ago that it is dietary sugar that promotes increased rates of heart disease in the modern West, more so than dietary fats as theorized by Ancel Keys.]
"Excessive fructose intake associates with increased de novo lipogenesis, blood triglycerides, and hepatic insulin resistance.
Regular consumption of both fructose and sucrose [= glucose+fructose] sweetened beverages in moderate doses associated with stable caloric intake increases hepatic fatty-acid synthesis even in a basal state, whereas this effect is not observed after consumption of glucose.
This study revealed that beverages sweetened with the sugars fructose and sucrose, but not glucose, increase the ability of the liver to produce lipids.
Increased lipogenic capacity may not only be an acute cellular response in order to process large loads of carbohydrates/lipogenic substrates, but be maintained by the liver for a prolonged period as a general metabolic adaptation to a diet rich in carbs..
We hypothesize that this switch of the liver metabolism by fructose intake towards a higher lipogenic activity may pave the way to further changes affecting metabolic health."