I’m 74 yo, under treatment Zytiga and Lupine, radiation in April for 9 weeks. I just hope that I can take all of this. My PSA dropped from 8.6 to 2.66 in one month.
Living with PC: I’m 74 yo, under... - Advanced Prostate...
Living with PC

Why 9 weeks? During the pandemic, you should be talking to your RO about hypofractionation. If you have oligometastases, SBRT (5 treatments)to the prostate is all you need.
The RO said because of my age the route he going with EBRT for 9 weeks, and continue with Zytiga and Lupin for 3 years. I just hope I can take it.
That makes no sense to me. A shorter number of treatments causes less fatigue. The RO doesn't make as much money, though.
I'm sure Tall_Allen is correct about the RT, and anyway, that's not the one that has the nasty SEs. Re: the ADT, some men tolerate it very well.
If you're not one of them, you can always simply quit, like I did. From what I infer from the studies, the benefits of ADT have diminishing returns, i.e., most of the benefit is realized early on.
The biggest thing for me was depression, but antidepressants worked well.
Also, look into high-dose transdermal estradiol, which has a far better SE profile. This is where I'm going if my PSA continues to rise.
Best of luck.
I am 77. Dx December 2019. Did not like what States had to offer and came to Europe. Seven treatments and Zoladex implant every three months. March 27 anniversary of last treatment. I too, wondered but it has gotten better and almost back to whatever normal is these daysOne day at a time!
For perspective, My husband cut down a tree the other day. He is on these drugs, had 5 days of radiation last November ( following placement of spacers). We travelled for this treatment. He diligently works out. The other day he said he actually felt stronger! He gets tired and winded but he is doing much better than we anticipated. This group will help you a lot.
Thanks for the input, I just got back my MRI and petty much the same as the CT scan but more in depth. The cancer spread to the urethra slightly. I worked out all time too I don't think it makes a difference It's hereditary. I'm part of a study at Dana Farber and they are telling me I'm doing anything wrong its your ancestors that carry these problems on to me. I wish you and your husband the best.
There is something that is encouraging and that is your PSA is dropping. That's a sign that you are responding to treatment - the number of visits for radiation therapy is something I don't know enough about to offer you sound advise. Perhaps a second opinion / consultation might be the next step.
I can say this -> I was treated with EBRT 3 1/2 years ago over a period of 45 weeks, which included the pelvic area for positive lymph nodes.
There are alternative medical 'machines' that may offer certain advantages, but I suspect that it depends on where you go and what THEY have available .....
Thanks Ron
You are having a great reaction to Zytiga! 75 percent reduction in two months. I have been on Zytiga/Lupron/Prednazone for ten years and my PSA is undetectable!Best Wishes!
How has the treatment affected your memory? I was on it for less than a year and it was horrible, been on vacation 6+ months and considering radiation.
The Zytiga did not have any major side effects for me. My energy level was already diminished by Lupron. Fatigue has always been the biggest problem for me. I have not had radiation but a friend of mine had 6 weeks of radiation and is now on Lupron and Zytiga. He has achieved non-detectable PSA, the same as me.
I think you will be fine. Not to say there won't be bad days but it is part of the battle. Hang in there and you can always come here for support or have couple of well made martinis. 🍸🍸🤠
For my dear friend Drphil.....
There once was a man named Sweeney
who spilled some Gin on his Weenie.
That being uncouth,
He dipped it in Vermouth
and slipped his wife a dry Martini.........
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Saturday 02/27/2021 6:54 PM EST
Listen to your doctors. No one here dispensing advice has a medical degree although some think they do. Don't make the mistake of overriding your doctors knowledge with information you read on the internet.

How true.......... I am not a doctor but as you know I look very handsome in a white coat.....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Saturday 02/27/2021 6:56 PM EST
I hear you, thanks