Hmm... Myelodysplastic syndrome?? - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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Hmm... Myelodysplastic syndrome??

westof profile image
75 Replies

Had a phone conference with my MO today. And...

I've been on lupron for 2 years and Zytiga and pred since 4/19.

My WBC went from an average of 4.2 to 3.7 within my monthly blood draw.

Since I started Z, my PSA has been 0.014 and T <12 and no mets. DX 2 years ago.

Too few se's to mention (about to turn 72 and feel great) and now the possibility of MDS?

He mentioned this and wants to put my blood under the microscope for further analysis.

Any thoughts?

And I thought that I was "out of the woods". Hmm...


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westof profile image
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75 Replies
treedown profile image

If you have MDS I have had it since radiation in Feb 2020. I have had low WBC ever since. I stopped Zytiga for about a month and they started to recover so they started me back at a lower dose. They still have not fully recovered but my doc does not seem concerned and I have never felt any different because of it. Please post what you find out.

westof profile image
westof in reply totreedown

Thanks! I had HDR Brachy 4/19 and 25 days of IMRT 6/19.

My doc just wants to check it out.


treedown profile image
treedown in reply towestof

I wish mine had wanted to, I kept asking questions and requesting tests. After a few months he said if it was going to be a problem we would know by now. Definitely will like to see what you find out. How are you individual WBCs looking? My biggest issues has been wit Lymphocytes.

westof profile image
westof in reply totreedown

Lymphocytes went from 7.1 -14.7 within a month

ALC remains steady.

WBC over the past 9 months- 4.4 4.4 4.85. 45 .465. 4.5 4.4 3.7. -.7 within a month.

treedown profile image
treedown in reply towestof

Thats the complete opposite of my problem but those #s look different then on my tests. Mine went from 1839 to 221 from my baseline test to when I got worried. This last test they went to 713. Low normal is 850. Maybe your referring to percentage but that would also be good. Maybe he isn't concerned about any single one then. My total count last time dropped to 2.9

SPEEDYX profile image

Are you experiencing any symptoms of MDS

westof profile image
westof in reply toSPEEDYX

From what I've read, early stages are asymptomatic.

I work as a self employed medical courier and walk between 4-5 miles daily (according to my smart watch). No fatigue!


SPEEDYX profile image
SPEEDYX in reply towestof

Let's trust that it not numbers have gone up and down.🙏

westof profile image
westof in reply toSPEEDYX

Thanks, I've read that it a rare disease and I'm not sweating this. YET!!🙄

SPEEDYX profile image
SPEEDYX in reply towestof

Always something...Iam still fighting to get my psa to nadir..20 months!...was at 350 down to 22 in one month up to 39 next 6 slowly coming down at 13 now...same as you feel good but always anxious with each test and every ache I feel.

treedown profile image
treedown in reply towestof

I cycle a lot and while I have other side effects I have avoided fatigue and hot flashes so far. I just read more about it and will discuss with MO 9/23. The question the is if we do have it what to do? Its not like I can stop the cancer meds at least not all of them. I did consider not restarting Zytiga but thats a crap shoot so I decided to stay on it. My PSA is undetectable for now and my treatment is with curative intent so my RO said they will stop all meds 10/21 and see what happens. Of course that only depends if all things remain the same.

westof profile image
westof in reply totreedown

I'm off meds 12/31/2020 (taper down).

treedown profile image
treedown in reply towestof

Keep posting please, what was your gleason score, treatment etc. I am a bit younger than you at 57 but seem to be on a similar plan.

westof profile image
westof in reply totreedown

Hmm... Here is my very 1st post (knock yourself out😁).


treedown profile image
treedown in reply towestof

Thanks looks like you have been in charge the whole time! Consider m knocked out and impressed.

westof profile image
westof in reply totreedown

Thank you!

I consider your kind words as a high complement!🥂

treedown profile image
treedown in reply towestof

Good, as intended. Thanks for posting I have a few new creases on my brain and a few more quations for my MO.

westof profile image
westof in reply totreedown

Remember, "Rudy" was diagnosed in 2000 @ age 57. 😉

treedown profile image
treedown in reply towestof

He wasn't stage 4 but he beat it and I have always liked hearing about people that beat cancer.

in reply towestof


treedown profile image
treedown in reply toSPEEDYX

I think thats what my MO was referring to when he said we would know by now as I never had any symptoms, yet.

SPEEDYX profile image
SPEEDYX in reply totreedown


timotur profile image

Sounds like your MO is keeping the lab busy... low WBC's is one of the SE's listed for Zytiga. My WBC's went back up when I dropped it....

treedown profile image
treedown in reply totimotur

Thats what I am hoping for. There was a trial where like 70% of the participants had lymphocytopenia after radiation and zytiga and all recovered. These are the things that help me sleep at night. Thanks for posting.

timotur profile image
timotur in reply totreedown

Oddly my RO's nurse doesn't think IMRT lowers lymphocytes. I tell her every visit there's ton's of studies saying it does. I think we've discussed before, but mine dropped from 1125 to 250 right after IMRT while on Zytiga, which I dropped shortly after that.

treedown profile image
treedown in reply totimotur

Your may be right about discussing this prior asnit rings a bell. My ROs standard response to everything harmful was there's no indication radiation causes that, blah, blah, blah. Didn't matter I had made the decision, he had me with "curative".

westof profile image
westof in reply totimotur

Acknowledged. My MO is formerly from MSK and now heads up the Whittingham Cancer Center in CT. He suffers from an overabundance of caution (God bless him!)😇

treedown profile image
treedown in reply towestof

Lucky you my MO seems like he is sleeping through our meetings but pretty much does whatever I ask, so there's that.

timotur profile image
timotur in reply towestof

Sounds like he's covering all bases, including the front office who writes the check. :)

in reply totimotur

There is that!😳

in reply totimotur


Kaliber profile image

I have a thought .... I don’t know what that is, but I don’t like the sound of it. You already have your plate full as it is, you don’t need anything else going on . Tell your oncologist thanks but no thanks ... heck with that. You keep it. Tell him kaliber said “ NO “ .... 💪💪💪👍👍👍 🦋🌻🌸🌵🌼🌈❤️❤️

SPEEDYX profile image
SPEEDYX in reply toKaliber

44 kaliber if he doesn't listen

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply toSPEEDYX

Yea that’s right ... he better watch out or I’ll go over there. He’ll be sorry. I’ll sit in all his chairs ( they’d collapse ), lean on his counters ( fracture or break ) , pee in his toilets and miss and eat everything in the employee refrigerator ... that’d show ‘em. What they going to do to a nearly adt disabled grey haired old stage 4 M1 croaker - biker ? Nothing , nothing at all ... I got nothing to lose yayahahahaya ya. Yayahahahaya. 😂😂😂😂

Sounds like fun actually ...👍👍👍👍

SPEEDYX profile image
SPEEDYX in reply toKaliber

Right on....that's what I like to see pure Passion

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply toSPEEDYX

Yayahahahaya 💪💪💪👍👍👍

westof profile image
westof in reply toKaliber

LOL, Brother K!!

Compared to you, my plate only has a few crumbs on it.

Remember, you are the "One Tough Hombre"!!



in reply towestof

You are Alright!😷✌️

westof profile image
westof in reply to

Hey Scott, earlier this evening I read 4-5 articles re: MDS and I'm not overly concerned.

My guess is that it might be the combo of radiation and Zytiga that is causing the lab results.

I'll just check it out.



in reply towestof

The head honchos will reply soon . I think it a side effect that will better the further you get from treatments . 🙏

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply towestof

Yea well I think I’ve finally kicked that second skin cancers a$$ now. That Big huge hole on my forehead down to a small thing with a medicated band aid on it now. None of those huge bandages and $10 a pop silver impregnated dressings now. The second breakout on my nose I did my own cryogenic treatment, fashioned my own focused cryo probe and hammered the heck out of that one when it went back to a bloody open hole ..... then waited a day and “ double “ froze it until I couldn’t stand any more. After the freeze blister healed, no sign of that POS now. ( benefits of being an experienced biomedical engineer ) I’m not saying it’s not gonna find another way to come back or more aren’t going to pop up, but for now looks like I can return to my regular plate full of debilitating adt - PCa yayahahahaya. I thought I had it bad with just that but now ... goofy as it sounds , I’ll be kinda glad to get back to that stuff yayahahahaya. My plate more manageable pretty soon ... thank goodness.

Thank you brother for the nice thoughts ... Screw this disease stuff and the bugs it rides into our bodies on. Yayahahahaya

😄😄😄😄😄 🌵🌻🌸🌼🦋❤️❤️

in reply toKaliber

I-5 was a gauntlet of RVs , u-hauls, more like and exodus from hell to the south ... Last time was pre covid and pre fire.Remembering the spectacular almond bloom . Now so Freaky .. you’re smack dab in the middle ..of it . It’s a fine line on the edge for us all. I’m nowhere near suffering like you and so many other fine gentleman are here. My heart go to those that suffer the most . For the ones skating by like , we know we are on thin ice. Our fearless leader says “ It’s going to start getting cooler”! God bless him! The west needs years off rain .. Without this help from above the fires wont stop .

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to

Boy , isn’t this stuff something .... I’ve been over at the coast for a while ... pretty clean skies and often nice fresh air right off the ocean. Drove back to Fresno , skies very dark .. one to two mile smoke visibility. When we left ..remember the sky was dark orange red and no sun shinning thru. Now the red is gone and the sky is dark grey ... looks like twilight ...ash raining down, looks like snowflakes ... choking acrid smell of smoke. The temps have dropped 15 degrees because no sun can get thru. They just started evacuating Three Rivers , a town just south of Visalia , south of here. There are food handouts all over town, people camping in large fenced in fields and parking lots news showing endless videos of 100s of burned houses and endless miles of beautiful Sierra forests now charcoal sticks. This is awful and the big fire here isn’t expected to have much containment until the middle of next month.

I’ll bet you’ll be glad to get back to some sanity and much cleaner air to breathe. I might come over and move in with you guys for a while ...that’d be kewl huh ? Yayahahahaya yayahahahaya yayahahahaya. Probably not.

Peace buddy 💪💪💪✌️✌️✌️ 🌻🌼🌞🌈🦋🌵🌵🌵

in reply toKaliber

The air is 98% clear here in comparison . That could change with no rain on the horizon . 🔥

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to

Ok ..... you convinced me .... I’ll be right over !! Yayahahahaya yayahahahaya. You are lucky there .... even the air here is called dangerous with smoke pollution on the news. They are warning everyone to not go outside ... yikes. The way things are going, there won’t be much left of beautiful California or those wonderful High Sierra mountains.

in reply toKaliber

I took a couple photos that would halt anyone from going to Cali now. John Muir is rolling in his grave. All of the big fires are on fed land. Why not ? next pres,? start a national forest management plan ? Like the CCC...did did in the Great Depression .. Be well

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to

You’ve seen it yourself ... you know how bad it all is Buddy.


in reply toKaliber

Inexplicable 😳🔥

treedown profile image
treedown in reply toKaliber

I had that same feeling toward the end of radiation, lookin forward to just lupron and Zytiga. Don't tell the doc your working on yourself they might get mad at you for keeping a few dollars out-of their pockets? Worse if they pull some I have to charge you double because I have to fix your work like a mechanic :)

in reply totreedown

Towards the end of radiation . Stuff starts to happen . The last day is a miracle . I was put on maximum glow.. a couple years ago and then tree years after imrt I went to the hospital to get a hip X-ray. Just the sight of that black and yellow radiation

Symbol did something to me ??. After the x-ray. The dr told me , yah , your hip is degenerating! But that’s not the real problem , you’ve got not disc from your L-5 down . I ve turned into spaghetti man now... I exited the hospital. Started spinning got down on my Knees beside my car and tossed my cookies .. I was loopy .. Severe nausea was a factor after imrt . It all came back to me . Don’t like hospitals much . Never did . I think they are a bad place to die .

treedown profile image
treedown in reply to

Dude that's brutal, glad its behind you. Your still kicking its ass so keep it up. Clearly what didn't kill you made you stronger.

in reply totreedown

Oh no ! That doesn’t apply at all to any advanced prostate Cancer treatments .No one is made stronger by them .. If one lives . He ll be greatly diminished . That’s my sob story and my truth . However It doesn’t break my love of life . The flesh is weak.. The spirit is strong . We kick the can 🥫

treedown profile image
treedown in reply to

Understood, but strength comes in many forms. Say what you will and despite not having met you in person, you exude a strength IMO.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply totreedown

I hear that brother .... you’d think plain ole stage 4 advanced cancer would be bad , along with adt .... and boy howdy it is ... start piling on extra cancers or nasty treatments , bone damage and things get to be too much. It’s plenty hard enough to get adjusted to regular ole terminal cancer - adt. Kripes ... the trials that are put on us by this stuff can be pretty difficult sometimes, it takes a lot of personal strength and determination to overcome those. Shows how you and the rest of the guys here are so amazing to be able to persevere.

I’m actually a retired biomedical engineer ... I’ve custom fashioned cryogenic probes in live procedures dozens of times. There just isn’t one applicator that does it all. Those liquid nitrogen squirters spray a wide spray causing too much collateral damage ( IMHO ) So clinicians use the foam applicators but with those too, there simply isn’t a good selection of tips. At work I discovered you can modify the shape of the conical foam applicators with dental floss and the dental floss won’t crack to pieces and fall off on the floor like a lot of other organic materials do. ( it was trial and error tho ) I can reshape applicators to pencil points and other shapes best suited for that particular medical procedure application. I like to form the tips to also hold a few drops of cryogenic liquid to intensify the effectiveness of the treatment. I wanted to concentrate the treatment directly on the cancer with as little collateral damage as possible , not blast the general area and hope I got the cancer hard enough.

If you knew the 2 1/2 year saga behind the three botched surgeries on that cancer on my forehead, you’d understand doing it yourself if possible yayahahahaya

Next I’ll probably get a tray of sterilized instruments and a stryker saw , maybe one of those little stainless steel hammers ..... box of band aids .... some duct tape and do some brain surgery on myself yayahahahaya yayahahahaya

Peace buddy 💪💪💪👍👍👍😂😂😂😂😂

in reply toKaliber

As a fair haired sun worshipers I’ve expected he sc for years now.... something deadly if not caught ahead of time. I’ve seen guys with noses off and more . Mother fuck if I still don’t like to warm in the sun on a cool day .. why are such simple pleasures so bad for us .? Our bodies and minds are not designed in my opinion to live into old age comfortable for most . I Quickly turned from 53 to 83 over night. One hell of a blow . Others got it worse .Maybe you spent too much time in the lab?? I can’t fathom all of the hats that you’ve worn .?? 🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to

It does seem like everything fun is bad for you : sun worshipers get skin cancer , getting drunk gives you hangovers and dead livers... too much food makes you fat and high blood sugar ...... and getting married gets lazy jobless adult children and your butt kicked for 20 years or you make 20 years worth of alimony payments .... What’s with all that ..... huh .... yayahahaha yayahahaha. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 life is fickle...

Love ya buddy ❤️❤️

treedown profile image
treedown in reply toKaliber

Yea, whats with that.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply totreedown

Yea exactly yayahahahaya

treedown profile image
treedown in reply to

I feel the same way about hanging in the sun. My brother already dealt with sc. Its our pancy ass Swedish skin I guess. I stopped laying around burning like I used to but I suspect the damage is done already so waiting. Kaliber definitely has been through the ringer and is still winning. I watch people I pay to work on my house so I might be able to do it myself next time, sounds like he's doing the same thing with medicine.

treedown profile image
treedown in reply toKaliber

Well when you open for business let me know, if something pops up I'm heading your way :)

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply totreedown

Ah ..... then there’s always the medical liability issues ... yayahahahaya. You can do on yourself but not into others yayahahahaya yayahahahaya. Alas ...

I’ll tell you how to do it yourself, it’s extremely simple and easy.

Just say’in 👍👍👍🌸🌵🌼🦋🌈

Tuff cookie!

SPEEDYX profile image
SPEEDYX in reply to

Tough enough...Fabulous Thunderbirds

in reply toSPEEDYX

“Ain’t that tuff enough “? Saw em live ..also SRV live playing Texas flood and “ the sky is crying “ classic

SPEEDYX profile image
SPEEDYX in reply to about The Mavericks

Thanks , hadn’t heard of them before . I’ll check them out 🤙🏽

Kaliber profile image

Brother AJ, .... a few of my bloodwork skirt along right outside my lower green limit ... they just kinda hang there never changing much . My wbc can be 9 something one month and 5.1 the next ... 6.2 ... 9.8 ... 5.1 .... and my lymphocytes 37 and then 23 ... not as low as your but highly variable. My GP said we’d watch for a trend , like plunging wbc but it seems random like the analyzer is broke. Drives her crazy. You are in great healthy physical condition ... good to go. those four and high three wbc’s are still in the normal range ... I think you said it went from from 3.7 down to .7 if I read that right ... maybe , like me , next time it will spring back up again ... a fluke test result. Everything 3.7 to 11 is ok and you have been there nearly every time. If it plunged to a .7 ... that seems oddly quick .. probably see some more tests to be sure ? Dunno .... just say’in.


westof profile image
westof in reply toKaliber

No, it went from 4,4 in August to 3.7 in September (-7). I'll just wait for more tests.


Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply towestof

Oh ..well that doesn’t sound too bad ... you aren’t even outside the normal range. Might be something but everything in decent range right now ..... shoot doooooooode .... all that could be “ way “ worse yayahahahaya. I wish my wbc looked as reliable as yours . You are on the low end of green tho .... worth keeping a close eye on. I’m thinking positive vibes for you big guy ... a guy in your great shape can shine this on ... easy breezy.


in reply toKaliber

AJ is OK !

Stevemarr profile image

I had MDS before cancer diagnosis, Low grade. Not a major problem but does limit some treatments. My MO does not recommend chemo as a resault.

westof profile image
westof in reply toStevemarr

Very encouraging!😃


rscic profile image

Let your Doc check it out and remember you do not have a diagnosis yet but need to eliminate any bad possibilities. Doc's, for good reasons, have a particular mindset when they see an abnormal finding ..... "What is the worst but most likely thing this can be?" and then see if it is that .... often it is not but an explanation must be found.

westof profile image
westof in reply torscic

Hmm... Hear you loud and clear!


westof profile image

Hmm... My MO got back to me today Re: WBC, MDS and this email I sent yesterday:

"Hey Doc, Just reviewed the Norwalk draw results and compared them to the YNH results 3 weeks earlier. Everything appears to be consistent, except for the WBC increase ( from 3.7 to 4.8!)

Did a post mortem, trying to recollect anything I had done to affect my 8/25 draw. I did have a pneumonia vaccination 3 days prior. Relevant?

Have you been able to look under the microscope for further analysis?

Have read much about MDS and not concerned yet.



Results: zip, nothing, nada! He peered with his microscope and my cells are normal.😃

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