I didn’t even seek approval from “ my darling wife of 46 years”!
"Darling wife" and my adult son are vegetarians and my adult daughter is a vegan.
While, I’m a card carrying carnivore, (now, I don't eat half a cow, followed by a gallon of ice cream for dinner!).
A simple 6oz filet mignon will last me 2 days. And,I do vary my diet!
The only one in the house that relates to my dietary habits is “Tiger Lily”, our little 7 lb tabby cat.
A few nights a week, I’ll spring for Ahi tuna steaks for 2. Always poached, no seasoning for Lily!
She always waits in anticipation (while tapping her little paw and staring me down, “move it pal”!).
Now, I don't mean to make light of, demean or discourage those whom require strict dietary maintenance.
You're better men than I am!
So far, I'm doing well with therapy. Also, I just turned 71.
I drink more than I should every day and I'm fully aware of the potential consequences.
Damn, given the life I've lead, I'm stunned that I made to 71!
Now, why do I dare to post this drivel?
Beats the hell out of me!!
Just felt like venting tonight.
Best to all!!