My husband is experiencing increasing memory loss since using the medications to combat Stage 4, Prostate Cancer. He was diagnosed in March, 2019 and has been taking on Lupron, every six months, Zytiga, prednisone, and Xgeva every four weeks. First his memory loss was naming things, short term memory, now it has increased to long term memory too. Everyday mental function is okay, but processing information is sometimes slower. He had a brain scan in March of 2020 which didn’t show any abnormalities. How much of his memory loss is probably due to a Lupron? He is 87. PSA is 0.11, T is -4.
How much memory loss is due to Lupron? - Advanced Prostate...
How much memory loss is due to Lupron?

There are studies which describe slow information processing and memory loss due to ADT. However, how much is due to age and how much is caused by ADT cannot be determined.
My suggestion are physical exercises to lower these side effects.
He may want to see a psychometrician to get evaluated.
I’ve been on monthly Lupron injections for 17 months and have some “forgetfulness” episodes, such as opening the microwave and seeing something I’d left the day before. It seems to be worse a few days after an injection, so I would suggest trying the 3-month or monthly shots, which will have lower peak levels of Lupron in the system.
I’ve been on Lupron for 6+ years, cognitive issues are the norm, I’ve experienced them for some time now. I also have been taking Xtandi for over five years which adds to it. SE’s are memory issues, searching for words, sometimes a “brain fog” is the best way to describe it. These are pretty common. I take it in stride and have to laugh at myself.
I try to keep my brain active through reading, using mathematical skills and physical exercise on a daily basis. Some MO’s prescribe Ritalin to help with cognitive issues, it also helps with fatigue.
Many refer to it as 'brain fog' - it is real and affects many - some worse than others.
I had to spend a lot of time 'forcing myself' to review and double check MOST of what I was doing.
Even the simple stuff could be 'forgotten'.
Be AWARE ....
Lupron is the worst poison. Brain fog and memory lost is just one of the many side effects I encountered. One time it took me an hour to find my car. Oncologist loves it may be due to big kick back from pharmaceutical. I demanded to switch to Firmagon and all the side effects disappeared. I also refused Erleada so she put me on Nubeqa instead. Thank god I am side effect free now...
I experience brain fog as well. Don't know which medication is the main culprit though. Silidosin 2X, Lupron, Zytiga..... Unfortunately, I'm only 57 and still need to be able to function at a high level to manage our lives
At 87, cognitive issues are common. He should have a psychometric score done by a RN or Physician experienced in working with the elderly. 30 questions. Start with the mini test (MCA or MMSE) then, if warranted, consider a complete neurodegenerative work up to get an insight into what’s going on.
After a heart-lung machine, I had short term memory loss at age 57 for about three years. During chemotherapy, none. During Lupron/Eligard, very minor short term memory loss. Never long term memory loss. Frankly it’s a side effect that is very minor when compared to the side effect of aging.
My mother, a 70 year RN became very good at covering up her dementia, until I asked her questions about her family history. Things that she frequently talked about in the past rationalizing that she was just old.
I'm no longer on ADT and haven't been for a while. At age 70 I am experiencing short term memory issues. Not surprised that a man aged 87 would be dealing with these issues.
I think Lupron played a huge role in my husband's brain issues! We need to understand that each person assimilates medications in different ways and everything from meds to diet or personality traits play a role in how any treatment may affect the patient. Looking at the big picture, especially if you are his primary home caregiver, it is you who will notice the changes in him, not his doc. Docs get a snapshot of the patient at each appointment, they don't see the every nuance, but YOU do. Take it from someone who was there for the entire time! We may be Warriorettes, but we are also the ones who, if we care and love our suffering partner, notice EVERY, little change, from a movement to a quirk...the WHOLE picture. Speak out! Your Warrior needs you. Hugs from Zxpl.
"Brain fog" seems a common side effect of loss of sex hormones. Many women get it at menopause, and it's usually relieved with replacement estrogen. Estrogen patches are sometimes used in men undergoing ADT to relieve hot flashes. Perhaps that might also help with brain fog. This is just a conjecture, and I haven't looked for studies to back it up. You should check with your doctor, in addition to looking into the suggestions mentioned above. Be aware, however, that estrogen can cause or worsen gynecomastia.
Well Coco..........I go through the alphabet tons of times everyday trying to remember someone's name (my wife for instance) and a word or just an object (my girlfriend for instance). Today I spent 4 hours trying to remember the word tangerine.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 08/30/2020 6:16 PM DST
Green tangerine came to my mind😳
**To watch this video just click on the title on the top of the video**
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Monday 09/07/2020 12:32 PM DST
Reminds me:
When I left a company that I worked for many years they had to replace me with 3 people.
Larry, Curly and Moe....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 08/30/2020 6:45 PM DST
Took 3 people to make as many mistakes as you made? I was going to say my razor sharp mind is now as dull as your jokes. But then I thought, that's over the line. I hope you are all having a nice evening.
I never make mistakes.... I did once.... but that was a mistake.....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 08/30/2020 7:20 PM DST
I made a wrong mistake..Yogi
The other left....j-o-h-n
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 08/30/2020 7:45 PM DST
Let's not get political!!
You're right....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 08/30/2020 7:52 PM DST
Of center
I'm left out......
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 08/30/2020 9:04 PM DST
Social Anxiety
I didn’t realize how I had been gifted with the ability to recall quotes and vocabulary words until cancer meds robbed me of the ability. When it was taken away I realized what an advantage I’d had and took for granted all these years!
One of my favorite jokes involves elderly memory loss. As their wives are chatting nearby Bernie shares with Jack recalling, “last night we went to the best restaurant! It was...’s the name of that flower with the thorn?” Jack guesses, “Rose?” Bernie sparks up with recognition and yells to the woman nearby, “Hey Rose, what’s the name of that restaurant we went to last night?”😜
Hey coco! What are we talking abou t again ? 😂😂 Wish I was kidding?? I don’t know if it is the ADT or just not having any testosterone in me.. ? It was most noticeable my first two years of transition into castration.. frustration at not be ing able to do what I used to do was s big issue originally. At some point I stoped being angry at myself over failing aptitude’s. 5 yrs of adt for me . And I’m now 59. I can’t imagine at 87 how it would be on adt .. ? Best wishes to you both. Us fellows can only benefit from forgiveness for our now many shortfalls.. Love goes along way ❤️