Had to leave home: Here's what it looks... - Advanced Prostate...

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Had to leave home

62 Replies

Here's what it looks like heading into where I live. Can hardly breathe there so I had to leave. Many of us out here in California are going through this.

62 Replies
Tall_Allen profile image

Yikes! I'm staying locked up in my air-conditioned bedroom.

in reply to Tall_Allen

It was OK inside but getting worse outside so I just didn't want to wait and take the chance. Things could easily get worse tonight and then I'd have to scramble in the middle of the night to get out.

timotur profile image

Where are you Gregg? This heat wave is kicking things off, almost everywhere is a tinderbox. SD county is ok so far, it’s just a matter of time, over 100deg a few miles inland. Stay safe.

in reply to timotur

I'm in northern California west of Sacramento. There is a huge fire north of Vacaville that runs all the way up past Lake Berryessa. It just crossed I-80 today and is now on the south side.

timotur profile image
timotur in reply to

I was in NorCal during the Chico fire a few years ago, couldn’t believe how much smoke got down to the Bay Area, looked like scenes from an apocalypse.

in reply to timotur

We had the worst air quality in the world after the Paradise fire. Right now the Bay Area is the worst in the world.

erjlg3 profile image

I'm so glad you're out and safe Gregg. I hope everyone and the furry friends escape safely. That's terrifying :'(

in reply to erjlg3

We grabbed the cats, some clothes and our precious coffee machine. It wasn't a mandatory evacuation, but the smoke is so bad it's getting hard to breathe. I think our house will be safe. I just talked to someone who lives across the street from us. They are staying for now, but gathered up everything in case they have to leave. It's crazy to deal with this on top of cancer on top of Covid. But I'm also amazed how none of this is bothering me at all. I've been in a great mood all day. I think when you have stage 4 cancer, other things just don't look like a big deal.

in reply to

😂 Nothing scares you dude. You’re beyond fear. The west is in a perfect storm or a fire year.. Good luck 💪

in reply to

I think attitude is so different when you are faced with a health crisis. I have had cancer twice and worked in an Emergency Room for 26 years. Years ago when our oldest daughter got married at the reception, the people who worked there where wonderful, but kept coming to me to see if everything was alright. Finally I said, you all need to relax. As long as no one dies here today, we are in pretty great shape. Perception of the world. Stay safe!!!

Survivor1965 profile image
Survivor1965 in reply to

Gonna call you double CCG

erjlg3 profile image

You're all, ALL that matters 💗

in reply to erjlg3

Thanks! So glad we are here.

Fanger1 profile image

Hope you and family stay safe. We've been getting smoked our since last night in the South Bay.

Gearhead profile image
Gearhead in reply to Fanger1

Also in South SF Bay area, and, as Fanger1 says, it's kind of eerie-smokey here. I try to take a vigorous long walk at least every other day, but I'll have to put that off until this clears up a bit.

Fanger1 profile image
Fanger1 in reply to Gearhead

I think we're in for a month of respiratory particulates and itchy eyes.

in reply to Fanger1

It's rough for sure. Shut in for Covid and shut in for fires. At least being shut in serves 2 purposes now.

in reply to Gearhead

The Bay Area is also quite bad now, especially the East Bay. I was looking at an air quality map yesterday. I know 2 people so far that lost everything. It's crazy.

Kaliber profile image

Yes sir brother , if anything it looks a little better there than here in Fresno. The crap is so thick we can barely see a few blocks ... sun looked like a giant reddish orange blob when it set today ... That air is nasty. Forest fire smoke kinda accumulates here in this part of the valley and gets even worse as you head towards the dead end of the valley towards Bakersfield. Head to the coast ... the air is much cleaner over at Moro Bay or Montana Del Oro if you can catch a onshore breeze and it’s 40 - 50 degrees cooler too yayahahahaya They do have some smoke over there too right now, but nothing like here.

Peace brother 💪💪💪✌️✌️✌️

Just saw on tv that visibility at the airport here is less than 3 miles. Yuck ...

Haniff profile image

Take good care Gregg ❤️

AuburnAngel profile image

Colorado as well. 😣

RalphieJr64 profile image

2020 needs to move on. Stay safe brother

greatjohn profile image

Good luck 🥰

vforvendetta profile image

With the rolling black outs, it sounds like a grim situation. I hope you all stay safe.

6357axbz profile image

Gregg, what are you not at your place on the Oregon coast?

in reply to 6357axbz

Good question! We are renting out as a vaction rental and it's booked solid right now, otherwise we'd be there now for sure. There is a 3 night break this week, but someone is in there tomorrow night so we figured it wasn't worth the 10 hour one way drive. We have booked ourselves for September though so we will go up then. We also have an RV, but campgrounds are closed and we'd have to go quite far away.

EAR1957 profile image

Me too Sonoma County

kapakahi profile image

fire.ca.gov/incidents/ Zoom in on the Bay Area and you can see just how gigantic this fire is - 215,000 acres now, 0% contained, not enough firefighters, smoke so thick that planes can't drop retardant in the right places, 10,000 lightning strikes in 3 days causing 300+ wildfires. We're seeing the future of California, and I'm speaking as a native son who dearly loved his state, yet had to move out - three years ago we were living in LA and the smoke from Santa Barbara fires 100 miles away was keeping us indoors watching toxic sunsets. Now there's just too much going against California, and all of it the result of human error and hubris, mirrored worldwide. And meanwhile people are still out of work, still can't afford to buy homes, their kids are not getting educated, they're getting evicted, they're running out of water, the heat alone is killing people... and of course all the while too many still have to go about their daily business of fighting cancer, And let me tell you, Oregon is not at all immune - the thickest, darkest smoke I've ever seen anywhere (like we couldn't see across the street) was from a fire 20 miles from where we live now. There's nowhere to turn, it's like you just have to run for your life. It's all very, very sad, and somehow - despite all the chaos and upheaval that have marked our lives in the last 50 years - not at all what I expected to be seeing by this late stage of my life.

Survivor1965 profile image
Survivor1965 in reply to kapakahi

Wow thats a very grim report. Hang in there, holy moly

kapakahi profile image
kapakahi in reply to Survivor1965

Well, I'm not there now, but I'm from there. I'm comparatively safe in Oregon (though there are a few thousand acres of fires burning high in the Cascades 50 miles north of me, plus a big one in eastern Oregon). Now it's 220,000 acres north of the Bay, 120,000 in Mendocino, 230,000 acres burning east of San Jose, another 50,000 west in Big Basin Redwoods and right down to the ocean, where I used to play as a kid - on fire. These are genuine old-growth trees - 1,000-2,000 years old. It's incredibly sad. The smoke has blown as far as Nebraska. It's apocalyptic.



RICH22 profile image

i'm in Reno, i here ya, brother. took a video of my parking lot, couldn't see to the end of it! been out here since 2002, never saw it this bad. stay safe!

MateoBeach profile image
MateoBeach in reply to RICH22

Is that from a fire along the 395 corridor north of Reno. My plans are to come down through there in a week on way to Bishop CA to hike in eastern Sierras. Watching carefully. So far central Oregon is okay.

RICH22 profile image
RICH22 in reply to MateoBeach

see gregg57's reply, below. I really haven't tracked what this massive fire's doing. too much political insanity has dominated my time.

in reply to RICH22

I was thinking we could just go up into the mountains east of Sacramento to escape. Not happening! I looked at the air quality map and the whole area around Reno and Carson City looks pretty bad and between there and Sacramento is also bad. We are still in 200s here, but getting better.

erjlg3 profile image

Stay safe everyone 🙏 ❤

Lettuce231 profile image

So sorry Gregg,

We've been watching and reading the daily reports, it's terrifying.

Where we live in France it's been drought conditions for a while, the well has run dry and everywhere is looking parched, what was once green is brown, one fag butt and that's it.

Nothing like you are facing and all those around you, but worrying just the same, we pray for you and hope that you and your family stay safe.

Keep your chin up.


Patrick-Turner profile image

That looks bad but we had far less visibility because of smoke last summer.

Because of the terrible fire situation in California that we see on Australian TV, and with record high temperatures, I conclude we may have a very similar thing happen here this next summer. We did see a large amount of our bush and countless properties burn but it still was not a huge % of what could still burn if conditions heat up the bush, and dry it out, and we get thousands of dry lightning strikes that can start numerous fires. Right now, this part of the world was gripped in 3 year long drought, but now plentiful rains have completely changed the outlook for struggling farmers, many of whom had to quit farming.

But weather is fickle, and it could soon stop raining for a 3 year stretch any time, but meanwhile combustible material is building up in areas which did not burn last year, and I expect a record number of days of 40C+, something that was very rare when I moved here to Canberra in 1973.

This heating trend is probably due to Global warming due to CO2 emissions, and unfortunately the only way to reduce the heating problem is for all countries reduce emissions but we will end up doing too little and too late.

The end result may be that the hot dry weather of Australia's mainly desert interior will move permanently eastward, and reduce areas able to be farmed, reduce bushland down the eastern coast, and land will gradually look like bare and unable to support bush fires and ppl will react by buying a bigger air conditioner. This may seem stupid, but not if we build thousands of square kilometers of solar panel generators to power all things, despite the fact that countless other nations can't afford our solutions to harness the power in sunshine or wind, or their corrupt despotic leaders just won't spend a cent on reforms.

I didn't use all the masks I bought to cope with smoke from fires but have used them instead when visiting doctors or where shops ask ppl to wear them for C19 prevention.

So far, my city Canberra, 440,000 ppl has not had enough C19 cases to force ppl to use masks at all times outside their homes.

But in our state Victoria they had a terrible second wave of infections and the same could happen anywhere again if ordinary ppl don't keep away from all other ppl, and some ppl just cannot handle being told NO YOU CANNOT do all sorts of things, they rebel, and spread C19. Let us hope we get a working vaccine soon, and maybe something that would stop the virus after being infected.

And BTW, we'd also like a vaccine to prevent getting Pca, so that we don't need to have RP and ADT and a 20 year costly fight with Pca.

It was a truly miserable day here today, very cold, windy, rained on and off all day, so I spent the day in shed working on electronics. No bike ride.

Patrick Turner.

treedown profile image
treedown in reply to Patrick-Turner

Here's to a better day tomorrow and a ride :)

Patrick-Turner profile image
Patrick-Turner in reply to treedown

It is 7:40am, news was mainly about C19, and who to blame, sky looks a bit clear, but it rained overnight and no sun yet, and it is cold. My grass will need mowing soon as it dries out a bit, and hedge is creeping up and trying to grow out of control. My Pca seems to be responding to the small Lu177 atom bombs that doctors injected, so life is a mixture of stuff that is inside me or outside me that has to be kept under control - or else.

The recent change from drought to normal rainfall here means all us oldies have to mow grass and clip darn hedges more darn often. But I ain't a gardener, or a neat freak, so what I call tidy is a disgusting mess to other ppl and I really don't give a Flying Pharque how other folks feel about that, were they to see that. Housework is boring, so a minimum happens around here because I'm thinking of so much stuff that's more interesting to think about than the layer of dust on many things, and grass and hedge just needs to be kept to roughly the right height, to avoid it getting high when the work of getting it down to right height becomes so huge I have to think about hiring someone; heaven forbid! I am independent, and hate paying anyone who does anything here then wanting payments far higher than I ever asked for when I worked before retirement. I might have to buy a battery powered hedge clipper if one could do more than my two-stroke engine thing which seems heavy and vibrates a lot and upsets my 73yo constitution; I just ain't as strong as I was at 30. So I have to spread out hedge clipping over a week or two, and I like to cut back enough to the wood to stop it growing so fast so soon, and of course at 73, I am more thorough and persevering than many 30 yo guys who are slap-dash.

But all the things they say about single old men are wrong for me. I eat very well, and wash clothes and myself very well, and can cook well. No gourmet style silly meals or junk food tho. I don't need a wife. I exercise plenty so I have no pot belly.

Meanwhile, willow trees are green, and spring blossoms are coming out, and grass is greener all over town, so it all looking so good, not drab and dusty.

Saturday is usually another day in shed so I'll be there soon. Lunch at local Thai restaurant Siam Twist.

Maybe a cycle ride tomorrow, but if forecast is woeful, and this arvo is fine, I'll ride after lunch at warmest time of day. That should bring my weekly total up to about 180km, a bit low, but bad weather is to blame.

I am not totally focused on Pca. I kind of know where I'm going with treatment, and being obsessive, or dominated by Pca just isn't my style. Ya live till ya die, so enjoy it it while ya can and enjoy your friends.

Patrick Turner.

Fight11 profile image

Omg I’m so sorry. Stay safe

No17 profile image

Stay safe and keep us posted. My thoughts with all of you down there.

Brackenridge profile image

Be safe, all of you - terrifying, all of it.

MateoBeach profile image

Just a few hours of breathing air with heavy smoke particulate burden, even if well away from the fires, can cause significant smoke inhalation injury to lungs requiring months of respiratory therapy for even healthy lungs to clear. Wear N95 when out in it if you can get them. Protect yourselves all.

Stevana profile image

Sorry Gregg , and others, to hear about all your troubles with the wildfires. You see the horrible footage on the news but it’s hard to fully understand how people are personally impacted. I pray you will stay safe and will be able to return to your homes soon to find little or no damage.

I’m in the Tampa Bay Area where it’s been rain everyday. We always keep a watchful eye out from mid-June to mid-Nov for any tropical depressions that might turn into the big one. So far we haven’t had to leave our home this year. I know how unsettling experience that can be.

Stay safe.

Nicnatno profile image

The same in New Jersey. We have the most strictest governor in the country. Ugh. Take care Gregg.


Bunkerboy profile image

Wishing you all well down there and praying for an early improvement in the weather and the many fires.🙏🏻🇨🇦

Be safe wherever you may be living😷

StuartS profile image

Hi gregg

Get yourself to Scotland..., but bring a good raincoat and waterproof boots as our summer is now over. Summer here was on 14 July...! The rest of the time it has rained. As the weather systems we get on the Scottish west coast originate in the US before barrelling across the Atlantic, maybe you should consider moving east away from CA for a vacation until the fires die down.

Take care....

j-o-h-n profile image

Where are those good ole days?



Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Friday 08/21/2020 1:37 PM DST

treedown profile image

Sounds like your taking this in stride so good for you. At least you got perspective from this disease. I would like to think we all have.

in reply to treedown

I am getting worn down though. This has been a challenging year. I always feel guilty complaining, but I have to occasionally. Just try to snap out of it as quickly as possible.

Just got back home. The inside of my house smells like somone had a campfire in here while we were gone. My first thought was: where's the smores!

Hopefully the air clears out soon so we can air out the house. But so happy we have house to come home to. I feel so bad for those that don't. We just learned that someone we know lost her house. Very sad.

ctarleton profile image
ctarleton in reply to

Hang in there, Gregg. Bright clear blue skies and dark starry nights for your telescope(s) will return after a while, and you can be at peace again in the Cosmos. Big virtual Lupron Hugs to you, and yours, and your friends who have been impacted by recent events.


treedown profile image
treedown in reply to

Yum s'mores. There's that perspective :) Uou got this fan going but no doubt you could use some more. I hope it all gets back to normal soon.

monte1111 profile image

Sounds like things are now going your way. My kid decided to take up smoking 20 years ago and burned my house down. Nothing like the smell of wood and plastic burning. Very ugly here in Central California. We have pandemic and fire. What's next? Grasshoppers?

Survivor1965 profile image

This is a tough thread to read.

Shanti1 profile image

My brother lost his home in this fire. He lived just north of Santa Cruz in Swanton. He evacuated on Wed and the fire consumed the house later that day. We are thankful that he is alive and safe, but he is grieving the loss.

in reply to Shanti1

Sorry to hear that. I just learned about another person I know that lost everything. Just devastating.

Zzzgott profile image

Crazy times for sure especially in the bay area. Heat wave and no air conditioning. It's hard to keep the windows shut.

erjlg3 profile image

Are you all doing okay Gregg?

in reply to erjlg3

Yes, I'm doing fine.

I just learned that the house we built 30 years ago out in the country burned down in the most recent fire. It really breaks my heart since my wife and I designed and built the house ourselves, we did a lot of the actual work. So glad we sold it and moved though.

erjlg3 profile image

Ohh n0ooo, that's so sad :'(

I'm so glad you're all okay though and I hope and pray that continues :) My best wishes.


JimBarringer profile image

Southern Oregon (Medford) is not a whole lot better. I am so looking forward to 2021.

in reply to JimBarringer

Just drove through there yesterday. On the coast of Oregon now where it's cool and cloudy, but no smoke thankfully.

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