In case others may be interested: I've been a patient of Dr. Eugene Kwon since 2017. There have been some comments recently on this site about Dr. Oliver Sartor and the fact that Dr. Sartor is an oncologist whereas Dr. Kwon is a urologist. I thought it might be worth consulting with Dr. Sartor about my own case since he's at the Mayo, but I was informed today that he is on a fairly lengthy personal leave (times not given), so in view of the interest in him in cases such as mine, seeing him in person seems likely to be difficult.
Dr. Oliver Sartor on personal leave - Advanced Prostate...
Dr. Oliver Sartor on personal leave

Here are a few closer to Cyprus:
Alberto Brigante - Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy
Daniel Keizman - Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Raja B. Khauli - American University of Beirut Medical Center, Beirut, Lebanon
Yüksel Ürün - Ankara University School of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey
There are so many other excellent oncologists.
I've been a patient of Dr Sartor for a few years at Mayo in Rochester. He's an excellent doctor and I'd like to continue to be his patient if possible. In the meantime, is there a medical oncologist at Mayo you would recommend in absence of Dr. Sartor? thanks for your advice again.
Hello there, as Tall Allen suggested if you live in Cyprus I can recommend you to visit doctor Daniel keizman in tel aviv Isreal.He is my oncologist for the past 7 years.
One of the leading oncologists in Israel specializing in prostate cancer.
Very knowledgeable and experienced doctor,and very nice person.
If you'll need contact details send me a massage.
I heard Dr Sartor moved back south and joined Dr Luke Norquist and opened up a south office in New Orleans where he was from originally
I went to Dr. Sartor a number of times while he was at Tulane. Smartest, hardest working and most compassionate doc I've ever encountered. Although he was internationally famous even then, he worked with a relentless passion to help his patients (rich and poor). Truly a great doc and a good man. I hope he stays active , we need him !
We were seeing him at Mayo, as well. We are willing to follow him wherever he goes.
Thanks. I was considering a summer visit.